he ran away from home

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When he came to this foster family, everything was fine at first. His 'parents' were kind, caring, ect just like his 'brother' but gradually Jisung felt like he was at home by alcoholic parents. Except that he has no siblings. But what was worse with his foster family is that they brutally raped him. You have to know, Jisung is a little, he uses this headspace to better deal with the whole trauma he experienced through his "parents", but this changed them very quickly, because his foster family didn't take any consideration, they abused and raped him even in this fragile state, which is why he's afraid to let his little side out.

Jisung had flashbacks of it all, which is why one day after school he ran to the train station instead of going to the family, where he got rid of his backpack and shortly afterwards got on the first available train and left. A few hours later he was wandering around -as he found out- in Seoul alone. It was getting cold, dark and he was scared to death, he didn't even really know where he was going until he accidentally bumped into a woman.

His eyes widened and, afraid of being beaten up and abused again, he apologized to the woman so many times that she had to interrupt him. "Sweetie, stop apologizing.. nothing happened." He fell silent and shortly after began to cry. Only now did the woman notice how badly he was actually shaking. "Sweetheart.. it's okay.. come on, I'll take you with me in our warm home, okay?..." She reached out her hand to him and after a little hesitation, Jisung placed his icy cold hand in the woman's warm one. "How long have you been out here?.." - "Hours.." was the only thing he said.

The two walked for a few minutes until the woman stopped, only then did Jisung notice that they had apparently already arrived. Still holding the woman's hand in his, he looked around the large hallway. "Angel.. take off your shoes, I'll be right back, okay?" He nodded and took off his shoes as she said. A little further away he heard "Seungmin! Come down please, if Jeongin is there he too." A moment later she stood in front of him again and carefully took his hand.

"Come on..." she said softly. And so, holding his hand, she went into the living room, where a boy was sitting, looking confused, most likely at his mom. "Mom? Who is that?" he asked her. "Minnie...I don't know but he accidentally ran into me and was so upset and scared that I felt sorry for him and then when I saw how badly he was shaking, I took him with me, with his consent of course. Could you take care of him for me from here, please?" Seungmin looked at the boy and then at his mom. "Sure. I'm just canceling the meeting with my friends and Innie, okay?" She nodded and he scooted away. A few minutes later he walked back into the living room, taking his mom's place.

"Hey.. I'm Seungmin, but I think you already know that. You can call me Minnie if you want, okay?" The boy next to him nodded. "What's your name, hm?" he asked the quiet boy. "Jisung..." he mumbled. "Hello Jisung, nice to meet you. Come on, let's go upstairs to my room, there you can choose something to wear and take a shower or a bath as you like, okay?"

Jisung nodded again and just like Seungmin's mom he held out his hand, which Jisung took in his and so they walked into Seungmin's room. Out of habit, Jisung stopped and made sure he didn't touch or break anything. He doesn't want to risk anything here. He chose something that Seungmin handed him. He took Jisung to the bathroom, gave him shampoo and so on, and left the bathroom. Jisung went to take a shower, which he did, and about thirty minutes later he came out of the bathroom fully dressed and with his hair still slightly damp.

Seungmin came out of his room at the exact same moment. "You're already done. Come on, dinner's ready." With Seungmin's hand in his again, they walked downstairs to the kitchen, where a man was sitting, presumably Seungmin's dad. "Hey boys." he greeted the two, which brought tears to Jisung's eyes, which ran down his cheeks shortly afterwards.

"Hey.. don't cry Jisung.. can I hug you?" Seungmin asked him and Jisung nodded. Shortly after, Seungmin's parents came and he cried even more. "Shhh. It's okay... no need to cry, okay?.. Everything's fine buddy.." Said Seungmin's father. And so they managed to calm the boy down. Seungmin's mom wiped the tears from his face and so everyone sat down at the table and started to eat. Seungmin and his parents tried to start a conversation with Jisung, at first he kept his answers short, until after a few hours he got used to the three of them and spoke more openly with them.


Han Jisung, 17 y/o, was abused, beaten up and raped by his real family and his foster family, ran away from foster family, shy, cute, sensitive

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Han Jisung, 17 y/o, was abused, beaten up and raped by his real family and his foster family, ran away from foster family, shy, cute, sensitive.

Kim Seungmin, 18 y/o, lives in a healthy home, is in a relationship with his boyfriend for 3 years, already loves Jisung like a younger brother.



I'm sooo sorry that I'm so late today.. i had so many things to do that i didnt have the time to published this chapter sooner.

I promise tomorrow i'll be on time.



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