they know now

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He knew it was going to happen eventually and it was his biggest fear.

Weekend. Jisung slept peacefully in his bed. Mom, Dad and Seungmin are already awake. The three talked and waited a little longer until they had to wake Jisung himself if he didn't wake up. Thirty minutes later, Seungmin made it his task to wake up his brother, he walked upstairs to Jisung's room and quietly opened the door, he walked to the bed and sat down next to the sleeping one on the bed. Only then did he notice that the younger boy had his thumb in his mouth and was sucking it, a small smile formed on Seungmin's lips, because he now had a guess as to what could happen if he woke the boy up.

"Sungie... Sungie Baby... open your eyes..." he said softly, ruffling his hair. A little whining left the baby's lips, but then his big, sleepy Bambi eyes opened. "Good morning baby..." Seungmin said softly. And then Sungie made grabby hands in the direction of the boy in front of him. Seungmin giggled and lifted the tired boy out of bed and carried him downstairs to the kitchen.

"Mom? Dad?" He said and that's when he got his parents' attention. His mom looked at him with wide eyes. "Yes... he's one mom.. That means you can unlock the door again.. we'll need that stuff again.." A grin crept onto the woman's lips and she ran away. Seungmin and his dad looked at each other with gentle smiles and shortly after tried to wake up the baby.

Minutes later she came back downstairs holding bottles, pacifiers, toys and all the trimmings, how she hooked it all up was a mystery to both her husband and son, but Sungie seemed to be getting interested in the things because he looked at it and then Seungmin and back to the things the woman was holding. It was just so cute. What he and his dad noticed was that Sungie probably seems to have a very, very young headspace, but that made him even cuter.

"Ohhh he's awake!" she squealed, and soon after, Sungie squealed too. The three of them laughed and Sungie grinned at the three of them. Mom rinsed the bottles and pacifiers to feed the boy and keep him calm. While she gave the toys to the two boys to entertain the baby, which they did.

You should know that Seubgmin's family had a little at home before, but the girl only took advantage of the family, which is why they locked the room and never said a word about it again. Seungmin's friends and boyfriend don't know about this because it was before he met the six boys.

Seungmin picked up a rattle and shook it, Sungie gave the object in his Minnie Hyungie's hand a curious look and waited for the sound to come again. Seungmin, who seemed to understand this, shook the rattle again and then he squeaked and grabbed it and shook it himself, well more or less. Seungmin and Dad giggled at the boy until Mom came with a bottle and a pacifier and handed it to her son.

After the bottle came into Sungie view, the rattle was uninteresting and he immediately opened his mouth, making the three of them laugh. With a little help from his parents, he was able to feed the patiently waiting boy the warm bottle. The two looked into each other's eyes the whole time, the baby held two of Seungmin's fingers and sucked on the nipple of the bottle. The two adults looked at each other and shortly after back at their now two sons and smiled.

When the bottle was empty he got the pacifier and so the baby was happy and calmly sat in Seungmin's lap while the other three ate. He looked around the kitchen with his curious Bambi eyes until at some point he started telling the three stories which of course they didn't understand. Yes, the reactions seemed to be enough because Sungie didn't stop talking until it was time to change diapers. And so Seungmin needed both of his parents, because none of the little ones had ever reacted like this when changing diapers.

After Seungmin finished eating as well, he took the boy and brought him to said bathroom to put a diaper on him and change his clothes, but what he didn't expect was that Sungie started screaming and crying. At the first yell he let out, Mom and Dad came running. "Minnie! What happened??" They both asked worried, but Seungmin's look told them that nothing happened. This time Mom tried to undress the boy but Sungie had the exact same reaction.

It was Dad who probably understood what was going on. "Oh my god... you know what i think ... one of the families abused and raped him in this fragile state, which is why he's screaming so much.. he thinks we want to do the same to him.. we have to slow down and talk to Jisung about it.." the two nodded and so Seungmin took the crying boy in his arms and walked to his room to calm the baby.

He got into his bed with him and covered himself with Sungie and ran his hands through his hair to get and keep him calm. And so the two fell asleep arm in arm. Mom and Dad checked on the two and took some pictures of the two and left so as not to disturb the two. A few hours later, Seungmin woke up to quiet sobs, he sat wide awake in his bed and pulled Jisung into his arms.

"Shhh... shh... don't cry... it's okay.. do you want to tell me why you're crying?" When he asked the younger one, the latter shook his head and clung to the older one. "Jisungie?.. Can I, mom and dad talk to you about something... it's important..." He nodded and so he walked downstairs with the human koala named Jisung into the living room where the two wanted people were sitting.

"Mom, Dad? We can talk to him.. I hope.. if not then we'll have to wait.." Said Seungmin, patting Jisung's hair. "Hey Jisungie." Said the two and then said turned his head to said source and at the sight of the boy it broke the heart of the two adults. "Oh my.. can we ask you something?.." Dad asked and Jisung nodded. "You're a little.. as we stated earlier.. however, there seems to be something... that we don't know.. something to do with your headspace.. am I right?..." he asked cautiously and then Jisung started crying again.

Seungmin took him firmly in his arms and there the two sat on his left and right. "They raped and abused me.. I-I couldn't resist.. they said to Sungie it's playtime and you know how little kids are... for years I thought the way I was treated was normal.. ...but that's wrong... all so wrong..." he sobbed, giving them instant confirmation.

"Oh Hannie.. what can we do that Sungie doesn't freak out and start screaming and crying to change him.. we would do anything to make you feel safe to be little again.." He looked at the three with glassy eyes and seconds later he started crying again. "I don't know... I don't know, I'm sorry..." he sobbed. They calmed him down and he fell asleep again. "I have to come up with something.. he should feel safe as a Little and not freak out because someone wants to change his diaper.. it's going to be a tough road... but we can do it..." Mom and Dad said and Seungmin nodded.


Little Sungie, 0-2 y/o, loves his Minnie-hyungie and granny and grandpa (Mom & Dad), loves his paci and stuffies.

What he doesn't like: Thunderstorms, loud noises, if someone touches him (caused by past trauma), darkness.

⚠️Triggers for is LittleSpace: Sungie, Thunderstorms, yelling, darkness.⚠️


Because I still feel bad about yesterday.. this Chapter ist for all those people who read the Story.

I'm really really sorry.

Have a nice day/evening.



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