Chapter 5: Walking tall. A special boy

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Farmer's market, 1:00 pm, Rapture:

There weren't many people around nowadays in the market, it seems that either they were dead, on Adam or they were too scared to go outside. Ryan, ever since he has become a little brother hasn't stopped to ask himself why. There are plenty of corpses to harvest, which meant more Adam for him. "Hero, have you ever asked yourself why we do this?, why I harvest Adam and you protect me with your own life?" asked Ryan as he harvested a corpse. 

It was that of a male, not too old, in his early forties or so. Ryan's Big daddy a Bouncer moaned and moved in index finger from side to side in a way to say no, "Well I have been thinking about that for some reason, I don't know" said Ryan as he finished, getting up from the ground Ryan opened the jar in his harvester and drank the Adam inside, once done Ryan burps a bit, "Excuse me" he said as he wipe his mouth with his once clean white sleeve before he went off to look for more.

The big daddies that have taken care of Ryan are not afraid of letting him go too far, the splicers don't recognize Ryan as one of the little sisters since he is obviously a boy, which means they rarely go after him, almost never. The Bouncer followed Ryan close behind, "Hero!, more Adam!" shouted Ryan as he waved his harvester around, the Bouncer moaned as he tried to hurry up, which is hard cause he is big and heavy. Ryan rolled his eyes, Hero was always a slow poke.

Sitting down Ryan looked at the bright red light coming from inside of the Splicer, he could tell that this one didn't have much Adam inside, must have been either because how long this corpse has been dead or this one didn't consume much Adam. Ryan stuck his harvester into the corpse, and began to suck out the Adam. Once done, Ryan didn't drink this Adam, he had other plans for it, "Come on Hero it's time for me to go to bed" he told his Big daddy.

The bouncer moaned as he took Ryan to a hidey-hole nearby, Ryan pulled himself in and entered the hole. Once inside he waited for the Bouncer to leave, once gone Ryan smirked to himself. Taking the Adam he harvested he put it in a jar which was almost full, he has been saving that Adam for days for something special. With that Adam the jar was full, he closed it tight, tied a pink bow that he found on it. 

Looking outside he made sure no splicer was outside before climbing down and leaving his hidey-hole. Ryan walked the halls of Rapture quickly and quietly, from time to time following any Big daddy he encountered before taking another direction. After a moment or so Ryan reached his destination, a hidey-hole... To Ryan it wasn't any hidey-hole, it was her hidey-hole.

Climbing up a bit Ryan placed the jar filled with Adam inside of the hidey-hole, not too close for the splicers to get it, not too far into bumping the little sister and startling her. Ryan got off and waited. After a moment or so a little sister came out, "Hey Ryan" she greeted with a smile, "Hello Eleanor...Happy Birthday!" said Ryan. The smile Eleanor had widened, "You remembered, everybody else forgot...except Daddy" said Eleanor, Ryan chuckled a bit. 

There was a pause and Eleanor said "Ryan...I know you're already risking everything by giving me some Adam, but can you please do me a favour" she had huge puppy eyes, Ryan fell victim to the gaze "What is it?" he asked, "Can you please find and bring me some things?, some cloth... any colour, a ball...maybe one of those things the adults use to open bottles, some string and a sewing needle" said Eleanor. Those were a lot of things, "Wellllll" droned Ryan, "Please" begged Eleanor with big yellow sun eyes, "I guess so" said Ryan sighting, "Yay, thank you, thank you" said Eleanor happily. Ryan sighed, wondering what type of trouble he had gotten into.

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