Chapter 9: Confusion

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Point Prometheus, 12:00 pm

Ryan followed the Big Daddy Rosie around, he showed Ryan what Big Daddies did when not taking care of their Little Sisters. It was basically just repair jobs, making sure Rapture didn't collapse in on itself. Nothing to fancy.

 But every time they were walking around they had that Big Daddy Bouncer following them, it was scary. Why did he want to hurt him? what did he ever do to that Big Daddy? Up until now he's been nothing but nice and helpful to Big Daddies. "You know, Hero. I've met a lot of Big Daddies, but you're the best. I think I should call you a name, not Hero like the other Daddies. It's sure not gonna be Mr. Bubbles. Let me think." said Ryan as he paced around, trying to come up with a name.

 Looking at the Big daddy Rosie he continued to think. He did he felt click in his mind. Then all of a sudden a name popped into his head. "How does Darren sound?" asked Ryan, the Big daddy moaned, he seemed to like it a lot. "Okay, from now on you're Darren." Ryan announced proudly, his eyes caught the Big Daddy Bouncer.

staring menacingly from the balcony on the other side of the chamber. "I think I'm going to call that one Rogue. He is violent and scary" said Ryan. Starring down he saw a bunch of scientists walking around. They were carrying two packages, one was huge, well it was huge to Ryan, they seemed sort of lost. Setting the box down on the ground they walked away. Probably to the bathroom or to get a dose of Adam.

 Curious to know what it was, Ryan went down to investigate. Reaching the smaller box he opened it, inside were books. The slip of paper that it had on said it was supposed to go to the library. Opening the next box he found that they were a pair of Big daddy boots, "Darren, I think you're getting a new partner soon." Ryan said over his shoulder as he took the slip of paper to read. It was supposed to go to Doctor Suchong's office.

Taking the library slip an idea popped into Ryan's head, smirking evilly he exchanged the slips before walking away like nothing had happened.

Later, in Suchong's office:

Goddammit! Those boots need to be shipped here, not to damn library! What kind of idiots is Andrew hiring nowadays? I swear, this kind of bullshit never happen under Fontaine." Doctor Suchong yelled furiously at nobody, an audio diary recording nearby picked it up however. Once he had his say Suchong stop recording and moved onto another matter. It was about the little brother... 

He has been watching his every movement with the Big daddies. To Suchong he could be used for more than just harvesting. He could be their secret weapon against Atlas. Given enough time that is. He just needed to pass one more test to confirm Suchong's hypothesis. Sitting down at his desk he began to work on a pile of scrap metal, it wasn't going to be one for long.

8:00 am, Point Prometheus:

Ryan woke up to a nasty call, "GET UP YA LAZY GOLEMS!" He heard somebody yell. Opening his eyes he saw a nasty looking man gathering all the Big Daddies outside of the vault, getting up Ryan went to join Darren. When all of the Big Daddies were in a line Doctor Suchong came in with a bunch of Little Sisters. He gave one to each Big daddy, Ryan's guess this was the final test that would prove if the Big Daddies were ready to escort the Little Sisters.

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