Chapter 17: Heart broken

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Eight Years Later:

Opening his eyes Ryan sat up and gave a low drawn out "Oooow." as he hit his head on the ceiling of his hidey-hole. Crouching down Ryan sighed a bit, not because he was outgrowing his home. But because things had gone downhill since the little sisters disappeared. The Big Daddies lost their purpose, and their little remaining humanity along with it. Without their daughters they turned into mindless golems, doing nothing but chores every second they were awake.

It hurt Ryan to see that. To no longer feel a connection with them like he used too. His fear had come true. Not only had he failed, but he was truly alone in Rapture. No matter how much Ryan tried to leave the city, he couldn't. Something was keeping him here, but he didn't know what. Walking over to the tunnel that would take him out of his room. Ryan pushed himself through, all the while cursing karma. Taunting the Splicers when they got stuck in the tunnels wasn't so funny when the shoe was on the other foot...

Getting stuck every now and then was annoying but Ryan always managed to push himself out of the tunnel. Reaching the end he fell out rather ungracefully and pulled out his harvester. Taking his time Ryan stretched a bit, working out the kinks in his joints. He cringed when he heard a ripping sound. He looked down and moaned in annoyance when he found exactly what he feared he would find.

His off-white shirt was ripped and dirty and his pants were also sporting a new tear at the knees to add to the collection. As was standard in Rapture his entire outfit was stained a rusty brown from the dried blood. His harvester was clutched in his right hand. It used to be too small for him, but thanks to some recent tinkering on his part it fit him almost perfectly. Still a little on the small side, but that just meant he could stab quicker. His blond hair was messy and long, it reached his shoulders easily. It was greasy, but he made sure to wash it often enough it didn't start to dreadlock.

Once done stretching Ryan sighed miserably. Sadness, loneliness, self loathing, emptiness. It was all he felt. All alone, no Little Sisters, Daddies, or even sane humans to keep him company. The Big Daddies weren't exactly talkative these days...

Looking around Ryan decided to take a walk, as he usually did when he had nothing to do. There were plenty of corpses to harvest lying around. No need to argue with any Little Sisters about who got to the Adam first. That thought set off another round of self loathing. He was a zombie. Shambling the halls of Rapture. With no particular destination in mind, Ryan just walked.

Pauper's Drop, Rapture:

Ryan continued his way through Pauper's drop. He began to feel sick when he was close to reaching Sinclair's Deluxe hotel. It must be because of the lack of food and water...

True, he had had food before. Mostly scraps and small pots of meat he had found around. But it wasn't enough to satisfy the hunger he felt. Plus Ryan was lucky if he found one or two pots a day. Just then his vision began to blur and the room seemed to spin around him. His body met the floor, Without any motivation to do anything at all he didn't bother fighting to stay conscious and let the blackness consume him. There was nothing to keep him alive, the Splicers should be coming soon. Though if they did, the only thing that he asks is that they kill him quickly.

Pauper drop, Rapture:

Gracie watched Pauper Drop through the cameras she placed around the area. Sofia Lamb trusted Gracie with a mission, just like she did to a number of other people. And Gracie would never let Lamb down. So while monitoring her cameras Gracie caught just what she was looking for.

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