Chapter 14: Surprises

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The lounge, 7:30 pm:

Getting to the lounge Ryan looked up at the Bouncer. "You go that way, I'll go this way. We need to find that person." The Bouncer's entire upper body leaned forward in an awkward nod before it lumbered in the direction he pointed to. After a few minutes of wandering around looking and listening for clues Ryan stopped. Tapping his foot he took out a creme-cake and began to eat while he brainstormed. He tended to do his best thinking while stuffing his face... Suddenly there was a loud scream of pain and Ryan's world exploded into pain and the feeling of being crushed. "Oomph!..." Ryan grunted before he looked at what fell on him, "AHH!" Only to scream as he came face to face with an adult male.

 Clawing his way out from underneath him Ryan was about to get the hell outta dodge, so to speak, but he skidded to a stop as he remembered something and took a picture of the writhing man as he occasionally gave off sparks before he continued his mad dash away, heading for the Med-pavilion.

Med-pavilion, 7:45 pm:

"Hey... here he comes." Doctor Grossman, a Splicer, announced. "Its about time." Another Splicer grumbled. "Shush." The doctor replied sharply. Suddenly there was a snapping sound followed by a loud childish scream. "NOW!" Doctor Grossman yelled as the two jumped into action. Turning on the lights they began to hit the sack that was hanging from the ceiling. All was suddenly silent as it stopped moving. Poking it the toasty skinned Splicer stated the obvious, "The Little Brother is down." "Good, now we have to get him to Andrew. Then we'll be swimming in Adam!" Grossman said, rubbing his hands together greedily before they both laughed.

Andrew Ryan's office, 9:00 pm

The two Splicers arrived with smiles on their faces. "We got the Little Brother." The toasty skinned Splicer greeted. Andrew, who was upset he'd been interrupted while he was in the middle of something, snapped impatiently. "Well? What are you waiting for? Show him to me!" Putting the sack down they opened it... only to find a very angry Rose glaring up at them with all the hate she could muster. Unnoticed, the second they opened the sack, the exact moment their triumphant faces turned to horror, a camera flashed.

Getting up Rose took the crowbar Toasty had in his hand and hit Dr. Grossman upside the head. There was a flash, this time the Splicers noticed it. Looking toward the source they saw the Little Brother. His head poking from the tunnel of the hidey-hole holding a camera. "Say cheese!" He joked before quickly retreating. "Little brat!" Rose screamed. "How does my hair look?" Toasty asked. After another slap from Rose they both charged the hidey-hole, trying to get inside... accidentally getting stuck in the process. The camera flashed again.

 "Wonderful dahling!" Ryan said with an accent he had heard a few times. "Now you're mad, so give us an angry look. Grr!" He giggled as they tried in vain to squirm further into the tunnel to, presumably, do him bodily harm. "Perrrfect." Ryan muttered before he took another picture and crawled deeper into the tunnel. "Come back here you little brat! I'm going to turn you inside out!" Toasty yelled, attempting to shake his fist at the boy he only succeeded in banging his knuckles on the hard metal.

"Yeah! You'd better run!" Rose taunted in vain. Outside Andrew Ryan massaged the bridge of his nose. he was surrounded by incompetent morons. The Little Brother was getting on his nerves. It wasn't the first time either. He should have killed him when he had the chance. Now he had to depend on the previously dubbed morons...

Fort Frolic, 9:45 pm:

Ryan arrived within Fort Frolic, only to find a stage. A stage filled with... er.. Statues , all standing in various clapping positions. Suddenly music, cheering, and clapping blasted from the speakers. On top of the staircase appeared Sander Cohen, He waved and started accepting the 'praise', "What a great crowd you are!" and "Thank you, thank you! You're too kind!" Once he reached the bottom Sander walked over to Ryan. "I believe you got what I asked you to get me?" "Yeah, and I took some extras you might like." Ryan smiled and handed over the camera. "I'll judge them when they're developed." Sander said dismissively.

Yawning, Ryan said "If you don't mind I think i'll retire for the evening." "Yes. Yes, an artist must have their beauty sleep" Sander said, still focusing on the camera. Bidding his goodbyes Ryan walked to the Upper Atrium, when he finally reached his hidey-hole it was getting harder and harder to keep his eyes open. He was asleep before his head hit the mattress.

Be Continued...

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