Astrid's POV

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My tears soon dried up as Shade, ran back towards the pack house. Poor Nash he had to kill his own father... I couldn't imagine that what he must have felt that day. My poor Nash... and then his mother and his unborn sibling, he has been through so much. But he now has me, I won't ever leave him, never ever. I do have to tell him I'll have to go back to my Pod soon so I can let them know that I'm alright. Oh, how worried Candy must be.

A few hours later...

We made it safely back to the pack house and Shade crouch down so I could get off. Once I was down, he shifted back into Nash I quickly turn my head not wanting to see his naked body. I heard him chuckle behind me then his arms circled around my waist. "Mate is shy." Shade spoke and I just nodded. "W-well uhm." I stuttered not knowing what to say. He picked me up into his arms and carried me into the house and up the stairs, throughout our walk into the house I noticed it was empty. "Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Asleep. Except for those on watch." He answered, I just nodded. He slowly made his way up the stairs and towards the bedroom, I was nervous to ask him about returning to my Pod. I knew I had to convince him somehow. Finally, in the room he sets me gently on the bed and then heads into the closet, then comes back with pajama pants on. They hung low on his waist; I quickly turned my head towards the window. "Are you going to get dressed Little one?" He asked his voice not as deep, so I knew it was Nash back in control. 

"Oh, uhm yes." I got up from the bed and walked past him into the closet and stripped of everything but my underwear, and grabbed a big, oversized t-shirt. I could tell it was Nash's because it smelled like him. I walked out and found him on his back in the bed, his muscles were more prominent because he had them folded behind his head. Oh, whatever God(s) please help me... I sent a prayer out to whatever entity was listening to me.

I made my way to the bed and climbed in, laid my head down onto the pillow snuggling into it, getting comfortable but, sadly that didn't last long. I soon found myself underneath Nash each arm on either said of my head, his eyes starring deep into mine. "What are you thinking about Little One?" He asked. "Oh, uhm well I was wondering if I could return to my Pod so I could let them know I'm safe..." I asked. I could tell that hit a nerve in him because he became rigid. 

He made a low growl his face coming closer to mine. "Why?" He asked. I tilted my head. "Because they are my family and I'm sure they are worried sick about me, if I go back and tell them I found my mate they can continue their travels without being worried for me." I said and I could tell he was thinking it over. "What's in it for me Little One?" He asked. I huffed "Well if I do that they won't come onto land and start a fight with you and the pack and they will leave peacefully." I said and he just gave me a smirk. "They would start a war over you my Little One?" He asked. "Yes, Candy's father is the leader, and he took me in when my parents were captured. Please just let me tell them I am safe and that they can continue the journey to our breeding grounds." I said.

He grunted. "Fine but I will be accompanying you." He said and I smiled lifting my head and kissed him on his lips. "Thank you, Nash!" My smile growing afterwards. "We will go there tomorrow." He said, then claimed my lips with his. I slowly began to kiss back causing him to growl in content, I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. His tongue swiped across my lips asking for entrance and I gladly gave it to him, causing us both to moan in pleasure both of our tongues fighting for dominance but, that didn't last long because Nash made it clear he was in charge.

I submitted to him, and he let out a growl in pleasure at my submission he soon left my lips and began a trail down my neck, looking for a certain spot. My back arched and a moan left me when he got to a certain spot on my neck sparks just flew all over my body when he made contact with that spot. He smirked into my neck and began to suck there. "N-Nash." I moaned out, my hands went to his head pushing him more into my neck.

He sucked harder onto that spot causing me to arch more into him. "Nash please~" I moan, and soon felt pain in my neck I let out a scream and tried to push him away. "Nash! Let go! Hurts!" I manage to get out. I felt his hands pin mine down I struggled under him, soon the pain turned into pleasure, and I let out a tired moan. Tears began to slowly fall down my face, Nash soon pulled away from my neck and licked the spot the pain was coming from, and it helped sooth it. "I'm sorry Little One, it's all over now, you did so good, good girl." He spoke nuzzling my neck, causing the sparks I felt before was nothing compared to what I felt now.

"Rest Little One tomorrow we will head back to where we met." He said, kissing my neck once more, my eyes slowly falling into darkness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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