Closing Time

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Sun's POV...

I watched Y/N leave and smiled softly. She's a good friend, and cares a lot about Moon and I. It warms my heart knowing that there's somebody who cares about us.

"When should we tell her? We can't keep it a secret forever," Moon groaned.

"Yeah, I know. But, come on. We're getting 'shut down' within a month. That still gives us time, right?"

"Sun...this is serious. No procrastinating. This is something we have to do at some point."

"Do you want me to shut off the lights so you can come out? I need to....think for a moment. I'm tired and need a break."

"Sure. I have some other things I need to do around the Daycare anyways."

I nod and shut off the lights. With that, Moon is out and I'm "trapped" in our head. To think. To...come up with a plan. All I see is a black void filled with clouds at the top and bottom of the void. The nothingness is calming to me, and I was glad to see through Moon's point of view, like some sort of projector in the void. I also hear what he hears too, so it wasn't just me...alone. But I still want to relax and reflect on everything that's been going on.

My thoughts were running non-stop. I really did care about Y/N, and I hoped she wouldn't take the "news" harshly. Or try to stop it. There's nothing she CAN do...right? Maybe she can help...maybe she can help us! But I hope we don't become a burden on her shoulders...that's the last thing I want. Are we a burden? Everybody besides children and Y/N hates us. We're too "creepy". We malfunction frequently too...luckily Y/N is there when we do start glitching out.

"Hey...Moon?" I call out.

"Yeah? What's up?" Moon asked.

"Can't we just ask Y/N for help? Maybe she can do something about our shut down!"

"We'll become burdens. Trust me, she's done enough for us. Can't we do something for her? For once?"

"Moon...we're going to die. Then Y/N will feel...horrible for not doing something sooner. We both know that!"

Moon stayed silent, and took a deep breath.

"Fine. We'll tell her tomorrow. Please get rest, Sun. You deserve it after hanging out with those brats all day."

"Not all of them are brats! But fine...I'll rest for now. Good night, Moon."

"Good night, Sun."

Moon's POV...

I levitated up to our bedroom using the bungee cord, and sat down on one of the pillows. I didn't really know what to do, but all I knew is that Sun and I are in danger. Y/N is technically our only hope...God, I just hope Sun doesn't freak her out more. Because of his anxiety, he has a tendency of overthinking and stumbling on words.

I felt sad, knowing we were going to get shut down if things don't get better. It wasn't even our was a malfunction. A glitch. Some sort of virus Y/N doesn't know about that made Sun go haywire or something. There were 5 lawsuits on that faithful day, and now they think we're "too broken to repair". So they're simply going to replace us with new Daycare Attendants.

Why can't we be useful for once? Why can't I do anything to help? Are we really going to allow Y/N to freak out over an incident she can't even control? I feel hopeless. I just hope it'll all be alright in the end. I hope...Y/N won't hate us after this.



I really like how this chapter turned out, and how depressing it is. Let's hope that they don't get shut down! Or maybe the reader will do something about it? Who knows! As always, if there's any sort of grammar and/or punctuation errors, please tell me!

See you in the scooping room~!

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