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After playing Fall Guys, Lunar seemed extremely happy.

"Sun wants to come out now," Moon informs us. We nod as the lights turn on and Moon transitions into Sun.

"Hey Sunny!" Lunar exclaimed. Sun smiles and waves.


"I wanna play a game with you as well, since Moon has been out most of the time already," Lunar giggled. "How about some minecraft?!"

"Like, survival mode?" Eclipse wondered.

"Yes! I wanna beat the ender dragon!"

"I think minecraft is downloaded," I tell them.

"Then sure!" Sun agreed. "I love minecraft!"

"Then let's play!"

We all booted up the game on the computers, and tried playing on survival mode, so we could beat the ender dragon. I really liked playing with the Daycare Attendants, since they were very funny and tried to humor me.

After the game, Lunar kept on bouncing.

"I wanna play hide and seek!" Lunar exclaimed.

"Ooh yeah!" Sun chuckled. "I love hide and seek!"

"I guess I can play as well," Eclipse states.

"Yeah, same," I agree.

"Yay! Who's gonna count?" Lunar asked.

"I can," I tell him.

Everybody agrees and I started counting. After counting, it was time to try and find everybody. I was always good at hide and seek when I was younger, and now I'm playing hide and seek with the Daycare Attendants.

First I looked in the ball pit, and all I found was a Sun plushie, so I placed it in the lost and found. Next, I looked in the bedroom and that little play house. Lunar was hiding there.

"You found me!!" Lunar exclaimed as he left his hiding spot, bouncing up and down. "Next is Eclipse and Sun!"


I leave the bedroom and Lunar follows me. Next I check in the play structures, and eventually found Sun.

"We found Sunny!" Lunar cheers.

"Wow! Good job," Sun compliments. We leave the play structures, and try to look for Eclipse. He was very good at hiding, and took around 10 extra minutes to find him. He was behind that big tube slide, in the ball pit.

"Good job at hiding, Eclipse!" Sun exclaims. Eclipse grins.


We leave the ball pit, and Lunar yawns.

"I'm tired...and it's getting pretty late. Shouldn't Y/N leave soon?"

"Oh yeah," I sigh. "I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

I wave them goodbye as I leave.

Sun's POV...

Seeing Y/N leave always makes me sad, but this time I'm not alone with Moon! I have other friends as well: Lunar and Eclipse!

"Now what?" Lunar asks. "Or should we just sleep and prepare our energy for tomorrow?"

"I'm going to bed," Eclipse tells us as he heads over to the bedroom couch and plugs himself in.

"Soo...should we go to bed?" Lunar asks me.

"Yeah. I'll see you either in the morning, or in a couple hours. I usually don't sleep all the way through the night."

"Okay!! Goodnight brothers!"

Lunar goes into the play house, plugs himself in, and sleeps. I crawl through the blue tube and plug myself in. I fall asleep on the pillows, excited for tomorrow...


I like how I wrote this chapter, so I hope you enjoyed reading it!! Let's hope Lunar and Eclipse do well at their jobs and that the children will like them!

See you in the scooping room~!

Sun/Moon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now