Daycare Fanbase

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Sun's POV...

In one hour the children were going to go home, and I looked over at Y/N. She gave me a simple smile and thumbs up. I nod in return and head back to a group of children. They seemed to be coloring on the coloring sheets I gave them. I love seeing the kids this happy, it makes me feel happy too.

When I walked over there, the kids smiled and waved in my direction.

"Helloo!!" I greeted them. "What are ya drawing?"

"I'm drawing you!" One of the kids exclaimed.

"Really??" I gasp. He handed me the drawing. "I love it!!"

The kid smiled and I smiled back. I looked at the other kids drawings, and they were all drawings of me and Moon. I appreciated it deeply.

"I love all of your drawings!" I exclaim. All of the kids smile.

"Thank you!" They all yell out.

"You're welcome!"

I loved seeing the kids so happy, it makes me very happy...knowing that this Daycare is a safe place for children. I looked around this Daycare. All of the children seemed to be having the time of their life. Even Lunar and Eclipse seemed to be very happy too, and seemed to be growing their fanbase. Y/N has always been supportive of us, and it makes me wonder if us--the Daycare Attendants--should do something kind to Y/N for once.

Soon the Daycare closed, and Lunar let out an exaggerated sigh.

"God, that was fun but tiring," Lunar giggled while bouncing on one foot.

"I know right?" Eclipse agrees.

"Does seem like a lot of work," Y/N adds. While I simply smile, knowing everybody is happy and secure. Even Moon has been a lot happier since Lunar and Eclipse have showed up. I'm just glad to see everybody happy now. "I'll start cleaning up."

While Y/N cleans, I turn the lights off so Moon gets a chance to come on out.

Moon's POV...

I smiled towards Lunar and Eclipse as they were talking. I walk over there to see what the conversation is about. Lunar and Eclipse seemed to be talking about their fan interactions, and how happy they are that they already have fans.

"Moon! We have a fanbase!" Lunar exclaimed. Eclipse nodded in agreement and smiled.

"Yeah. It's pretty cool," Eclipse admits. Y/N chuckles a bit as she sanitizes the play barrels.

"I'm glad you guys have your own fanbase. Sun and I are proud of you two. Like, a lot. Please know that we're always here for you," I tell them. Lunar and Eclipse nods and smiles.

"Thank you," Eclipse chuckles.

"Of course."


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, since I tried my best with this one! ^^

See you in the scooping room~!

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