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Virginia's POV:
TW: Mentions of suicide
    My brother had always been the trusting one. He always dumped all his problems on every adult he ever met. However, I stayed quiet. Watching. Waiting. Listening, getting the inside scoop on people to use it against them.

    My father left my mother, brother, and I when I was young. Only around two. Then, two years ago, my mother ended herself. And we were forced to come to this horrible place. Bailey's Orphanage.

    Every single one of my eight years on this planet had ended in strife.

    So why, why does it only get worse?

    Three years back, before my mother decided she was done, I found a stash of books on witchcraft. I then found out that I had witch blood. I could use the spells I learned to get revenge on those who have wronged me.

    So I used the very first spell I saw. I could barely read, but the wizarding language came naturally.

    Do I regret it?


    Not in the slightest.

    That spell gave me the only friend I've ever had.


    A demon that targets the children I tell him to.

    I discuss with Mormo who we should get next. And whether it should be a kill.

    "I shall kill those who've wronged you, Mistress," he tells me.

    "A-are you sure?" I may be a heartless person, but murder is a whole nother level. "Maybe it's too soon-"

    "No. I insist. I - we - shall grow stronger with every casualty."

    I hear footsteps entering the room.

    "We'll finish this later. Go," I order. He may have no face, but he somehow has this angry look as he fades into the ether.

    A tall woman with brown hair and eyes sits beside me. A nurse. But I've never seen her before. Unfamiliarity scares me.

    "Hello there, are you Virginia?" she asks.

    I stay silent.

    "You can trust me," she insists. "I won't tell anyone what you say, if you want."

    "I am Virginia," I confirm. "But why are you here? No one comes to check on me."

    I give her an intimidating glare.

    "I'm new here." That confirms my thoughts.

    "Well, beat it, then. I don't like it when anyone hangs around me." She compiles and leaves. A smirk involuntarily plants itself on my face.

    "Come back," I order my spirit. He materializes beside me.

    "I firmly believe our next hit should be a kill," Mormo hisses. "Do you not want to get rid of the children?!"

"You misunderstand. I do. It's just... don't you think it's too soon?" I reason.

"No. It is time."

"Fine, then. I need to practice my spells anyhow." I will myself to turn invisible. Walking out of the room, I skillfully avoid detection.

I have a lot of practice with being invisible. It's the only way to get out of being bullied. Of course, by now it's died down a sizable bit, thanks to Mormo.

They saw that everyone who bullied me ended up with nightmares that scared their cursed souls out of their bodies.

I'm about to sneak into the room on the second floor I always keep locked, when I see the nurse from earlier. I realize I never caught her name.

I listen in on her conversation with one of the other nurses. Catherine, I believe.

" worried about Virginia?" the brown haired nurse asks. I freeze, and my invisibility falters for a moment due to my surprise. The nurse narrows her eyes at where I'm standing. After a moment, she returns to chatting with Catherine and I release a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

"No, she's just not one to talk. Leave her be," Catherine says. Her voice lowers to a whisper, and to hear what she says, I quietly say a hearing-enhancing spell. It works wonders when I try to learn everyone's secrets to use it against them.

"Some say that Virginia appears in places at random, as if she turns invisible."

A shocked look passes through the new nurse's face and she walks away slowly, but not before Catherine tells her something.

"Margaret, be careful around the Forsythe children. They are not a force to be reckoned with."

A/N Hello everyone! We hope you like the story so far. We just wanted to let you know that school is starting soon so updates will be slow. Stay hydrated!!!

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