Chapter 89

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When he found out about Xia Chenglin's accident, Xia Yang was drunk in a bar.

This store was opened by one of his former brothers, Liu Shun'er.

The reason why he is said to be the former brother is entirely because the current Liu Shun'er avoids him at all.

Liu Shun'er used to be very good at patting and holding Xia Yang, so he got a lot of benefits and convenience from him, so Xia's family was down and down, and Xia Yang came here to drink and get drunk from time to time, so he could barely open his eyes and close his eyes.

Of course, one of the factors is that Liu Shun'er is still waiting and watching.

What if the Xia family still has the possibility of revival?

As a human being, it is always right to leave more retreats for yourself.

However, Liu Shun'er could barely turn a blind eye, but Xia Yang didn't know how to hold back at all.

I don't know if he was angry at Liu Shun'er's change of attitude before and after, deliberately disgusting him, or because he didn't realize that he was down. The field gave Liu Shun'er a headache.

Liu Shun'er had already reached the point where he couldn't bear it.

But tonight, the news of the Xue family's confession was flying all over the sky, and Liu Shun'er even recognized at a glance that the much-anticipated young son of the Xue family was the Xia Wan that the Xia family had been ignoring before.

It was the first time Liu Shun'er was so sure that the Xia family was over.

He raised his eyes through the single-sided glass and looked down from the office on the second floor.

This office was temporarily cleaned up by him to avoid Xia Yang. Not to mention the small and shabby interior, it is far less clean and comfortable than his original office.

Xia Yang was already drunk, and empty wine bottles were piled up and down in front of him. According to his previous style, he would definitely let the waiter continue to open wine for him.

Liu Shun'er's eyes narrowed, and the frown between his brows was so frown that he could almost kill a fly. Seeing Xia Yang standing up staggeringly, he spit out the cigarette butt with deep teeth marks and pressed it casually, and brought a few security personnel with him. walked out.

Since there is no use value, there is no need for him to be an uncle.

Let him eat and drink for nothing for a while, he thinks he has exhausted his benevolence.

A few words of good words, it's best for the other party to be knowledgeable about current affairs. In that case, we can save some face for each other. If the other party doesn't know current affairs... Liu Shun'er sneered unconsciously.

Xia Yang did drink a lot.

When he staggered out of the seat, his feet accidentally caught a chair and almost tripped him.

"Brother, why are you drinking too much again?" Liu Shun'er smiled and helped him, then looked at the waiter who had heard the sound and raised her chin, "Why don't you open another bottle of good wine and bring it up?"

"Okay." Looking at the figure of the waiter going away, Xia Yang slowly turned around, his eyes were reddened by the wine, "You are so majestic."

Liu Shun'er used to be just a dog by his side, who would wag his tail to please him and get some benefits from him.

But now, even a dog has a sense of superiority in front of him.

Not only that, but he even dared to point at him...

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