chapter 5

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°°°°°°°°°°°°°joker POV°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
Krios and Kronos were standing there outside the border of the camp with a group of monsters. As the team grouped up the campers geared up and stood behind us.
"You are the great warriors, Ha our brother has captured your hunters and goddess so give up now and you'll all die quickly fight and you will be begging to die while holding the sky." Krios said
"Stop talking and let's fight." I said but before any of us could do something Oceanus' body fell from the sky then sank into the ground.
"That's not possible the hunters are to weak for us without the power of Percy!You all are!"
"Good thing I'm here because I'm stronger then Percy Jackson and I can kill you all with a wave of my hand." A voice came out of no where scaring everybody. Then somebody landed on the ground.
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Omega POV°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
After all of the hunters were councious I heard a cry for help from black silver about the camp being under attack. I flashed the hunters, myself, and Oceanus body to the border of camp as the titans were laughing at the campers.I jumped down from my branch and everyone looked at. I poked around until I felt Artemis present in my head. "Stay hidden until the battle starts."
"I don't listen to boys so don't tell me what to do.!"
I ignored her and walked up to Kronos and Krios.
"Father is very ashamed of you. I guess you'll have to be taught some manners while your in the void. Say hi to Oceanus for me." And with that I cut Krios head off and the campers charged following my army.Kronos got so mad that he became reckless and just started swinging his scythe around kill parts of his army. I found an opening and cut Kronos neck. He fell but as I stabbed him in the heart sending him to the void I heard an ear piercing scream then another one soon followed by two more. I turned to see one warrior and three campers laying on the ground. All I seen was red. Nobody hurts my family with feeling my wrath. I started killing monsters with anything I could. I used all of my power causing power surges in every gods domain even Aphrodite. As I raged silver herded everyone else into camp so they didn't get hurt. When all the monsters were dead I walked over to the fallen warrior to see who it was. As soon as I knelt down I knew she wasn't dead yet. She could still live if I get her to Chaos right now. I picked her up and flashed away mind messaging silver to take charge.
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Artemis POV°°°°°°°°°°°°°
I was shooting arrows from the trees with the rest of my hunters when four ear piercing screams went off. The next thing I know everyone is being herded into camp by, silver?, I think that's the one as Omegas'wings appear on his back and he's a whirlwind of power.
When all of the monsters disappear into dust he goes over to the fallen warrior and dissapears.
"Nonononono! Not again! CHAOS PLEASE DO SOMETHING DONT LET HIM GO THROUGH THAT AGAIN!PLEASE!" All of the warriors started worrying repeating that over and over. Soon all of the gods flashed in looking really bad. They started looking even worse when they seen the warriors.
"Enough!Pe..." She stopped a second before finishing her sentence."please settle down he left me in charge so let's get moving. We need the gods to train along with the campers so this can't happen again. "Silver yelled out over everyone." If it does I don't think he'll come back to us."she mummered
to herself but I caught it.
-------------------time skip 2hours---------------
I was in the woods when I seen two of the warriors talking. I'm usually not a spy but I wanted to know what was going on so I snuck up a tree and listened".....ë you know that if she dies then he will be gone I don't think even Ar."
"Shhh someone is here. Come out so we can see you or we will summon Omega." Silver said
I jumped down from my hiding spot and silver went to bow. Joker quickly stopped her while they whispered to each other.
"But I can't stand it any more Lu..OW!"
"I'm sorry but you seem to have forgotten that we have company and first you have to ask Chaos then Omega to do so."
"We are sorry lady Artemis and next time I advice you not to eaves drop for some warriors don't show mercy."
"Silver can I talk to you privately?"
"Not know but soon mi'lady"
After that they left and I sat down on a rock to think. I didn't notice the time and when I finally got up it was midnight and I heard a branch snap.
I whirled around to see a wolf with wings."Omega." I breathed his name but when he looked at me his eyes were visibly shattered like an ice cube in hot water. I looked closer and seen that his eyes were a really dark green not black.
'Do you need help getting back?'
"Why are you so nice to me when I have been mean and rude to you since you arrived?"
'I am your guardian while I am here on earth making me responsible for your well being. I will not let another fall because I am not strong enough to fight a titan while keeping them safe.'
"Are you still willing to walk me back?"
"You are tired get on."
He left no room for argument, but he was right I am very tired so I got on his back and he used his wings to fly over the woods and to my cabin but sometime in between I fell asleep clinging to his fur.
I felt something beneath me move and I gripped at it tighter snuggling closer before falling back to sleep.

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