chapter 8

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°°°°°°°°°°°°percy POV°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°
As we leaned in to each other I stopped and looked at her."This isn't you. If you stupid things don't get out of her body now I will send your entire race to the void."
Artemis eyes glowed purple before turning back to silver.
"Whats going on!?"
"You were possed by one of those eidolons."
She looked pissed and embarrassed.
She noticed that she was still on top of me and quickly stood up.
"How do I get back to my room?"
"Follow me." I got up and she turned around blushing. I looked down and noticed that I was only wearing boxers. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of shorts and put them on before walking out of my room.
"Are you coming or are you going to stand in my room all night."
"You forgot a shirt." She stated while walking up behind me.
"No I didnt. You should learn to navigate these halls because this is your palace. I made this planet for you. Here's your room."
"Why did you make it for me and thanks."
"Because your the one who made me mad. I don't like being called Percy anymore. He died when he couldn't save his friends." I left before she could say anything and went back to bed.
--------------------time skip-------------------------
I woke up at 5 and went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. As I was finishing the waffles I heard Artemis coming down the stairs.
"I didn't know you could cook."
"When you gave to take care of my group of soldiers you learn to do many things." I served her, her plate and we sat down to eat.
"So does that mean that you can actually shot an arrow at the target?"
"Hahaha, very funny. And just so you know yes I can shot a bow and hit the target."
"Sarcastic much? So when do we leave?"
"In about three hours I want to show you something."
I got up and rinsed off the plates.
"You know your nice when your not around other people." Artemis said while sitting on the counter.
"Arty, off the counter. And I'm nice around other people just not the campers. They abandoned me then the only reason why they started to care was because more and more people started to die and they had no hero. Except the romans I still like the romans."
"Did you just call me Arty!"
"You know you like it." I smiled at her and she blushed.
Wait if gods have gold blood then how come they blush red? Wait... Stupid ADHD.
"Follow me if you want to see the surprise." I walked out the back door and stood still as Artemis gasped.
"Its...I can't even think of a word to describe how beautiful it is."
In front of us was a garden full of moonlace flowers and nature statutes.
In the middle if the garden there was a fountain that had Artemis shooting an arrow. The water came out if the tip of the arrow. There was also a small river going around the garden and into a grove of trees that filtered the sun just so. As Artemis walked threw the garden the flowers glowed and new flowers popped up. They were all metallic colors. She walked into the grove and disappeared so I followed her.
"This place is amazing Percy. How did you do this?"
"I wanted to make you your own garden. Though I didn't know what it looked like until now. If you stay quiet long enough you can hear this place telling you its secrets."
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Thalia POV°°°°°°°°°°°°
Its been a day since lady Artemis has been gone and nobody knows where she is. I've tried to talk to omega about finding her because he is our guardian but the warriors won't let me talk to him and he won't come out of his cabin.
"Thalia, Pheobe got hurt by a monster in the woods!"lily said panting.
" OK I'll go check on her you and two other hunters meet me back up here in five minutes. We'll go hunt it down.
As I walked into the tent Pheobe was unconscious.
"Will she be OK?"I asked Will solace.
" Yea she just needs some rest."he replied then walled out of the tent.
I walked out the tent and went to go check on hunters before going to lily.
"Let's go no monster attacks a hunter without being punished." Everyone nodded and me, lily, Atlanta, and Jenn started tracking the monster.
We got to a clearing and I almost screamed. In the clearing was a family of drakon. There were three babies and both parents. I mentally screamed for help before turning to the others. We don't attack. We will stay and watch them until milady gets back. As we were watching the drakons we didn't notice the last drakon coming back to its family.
When we heard a twig snap we were face to face with the oldest of the baby drakons. We screamed and ran the opposite way right into the nest. The little drakons herded us in to a cage before going back to their family.

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