chapter 7

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°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°Artemis POV°°°°°°°°°°°°
As the gods and my hunters surrounded me I just shook my head.
"What happened we couldn't get through the barriers or flash in. Who trapped you in there?!" Everyone shouted at the same time.
"I was sparring with Omega. He beat me then Chaos came to give him a message." I told them walking away.
The other warriors looked at each other and started following me as soon as my hunters drew out their weapons Silver grabbed my arm and the warriors and I were teleported somewhere.
"How did you get to me so fast? You were 50 ft behind me!"
"We're all fast." She replied.
He was holding out on me!
"What do you know about Prince Omega?"
"Nothing why?"
"We know your lying because Chaos doesn't just take us from one mission to a next if we're not done with the first one so tell us." Joker said.
"His name isn't Omega."
"No! Oh great Chaos NO! CHAOS COME HERE PLEASE."  Joker yelled.
"Its dealt with no need to worry." Chaos appeared out of no where.
Joker nodded his head then all of the warriors flashed out.
"Talk to him. He is melting around you."
"What do you mean?"
"Do you know the reason why he left camp?"
"Ask him why then ask him about the mission and why he did what he did."
Chaos left after that.
O flashed my self back and started calling for Percy.
All of a sudden he is right in front of me. I try to get him to talk and he agrees but only if we go somewhere else. And because I was curious I made a mistake and told him to take us some where he felt safe. Next thing I know he's grabbing my waist and we flash to an unfamiliar place.
I could hear Percy laughing and I found it quite beautiful. It had several layers sounding like more then one person.
Percy let my waist go chuckling slightly at the look I gave him.
When I looked around I noticed we weren't on earth anymore.
"Were are we?"
"The moon planet." He stated matter of factly, as if I should know.
"Why did you bring me here?"
"This is the planet I made because of you meaning this you planet. When I get mad I flash to an empty planet and put life on it. That is how I channel my powers." He answered. He then took his hood and mask off.
"It really is you. Why did you leave camp?"
"I will answer all of your questions while we tour around the world and meet new people." We started walking and he told me his story. I couldn't believe what everyone had done to him. Now instead of being the nice, caring, loyal demi-god he is a soldier with a heart of steel. His life was hard but when he left camp he thought that things would look up. And according to him they did until two of his warriors died.
I was shocked after he told me his story, you could tell he still blamed himself for their deaths.
"What who are the others on you team?"
"I can't tell you. It is dangerous for you to know about me, it could get you killed. And I'm sorry about that. If we live after this war you will know. But don't get mad and don't blame them for not telling you. Here we are then. I'm to tired to transport you back so you can find a room and I'll take us back tomorrow."
In front of us was a palace made of...silver?how does someone get that much silver?!
'Are you asking me or just thinking.'
'Get out of my head!'
'I can't your projecting your thoughts'
After he said that I was curious of something so I concentrated and.... I felt weightless then I fell on top of something soft.
"Sorry I was trying to get in your head. Wait how did I end up here?"
I sat up and noticed I was straddling Percy and he had his shirt off. I got dizzy and put my hand down on his abs. He had a EIGHT PACK! How does one acquire an eight pack any way?
"One you were concentrating on me not my thoughts and I'd say you were trying hard to land right on me, and second when you train with Chaos for as long as I have you tend to gain muscles and use some you never knew existed."
His voice was low but deep, vibrating in his chest. I looked in his eyes and saw something I've never seen in aans eyes but it was only there for a second before his face went emotionless.
I tried to read his thoughts but figured out that his mind was closed off again in an attempt to keep his thoughts private making me want to hear them more.
"What about our deal you said you'd let me read your thoughts until I could his my own." I smirked at his discomfort. I seen him concentrate and then I was hot by a wall of voices thinking. They all belonged to Percy but there were at least ten thoughts at once.
"I'm a demigod, meaning I have ADHD. But then I heard one voice talking bout something 'feels good' she started to listen to that train of thought and was caught off guard'want to kiss...she would kill me....feels good like'before I could say something Percy's mind was shut off again and he looked scared.
I laughed then leaned into his ear" your lucky you only thought those things and had no plan to carry them out but me on the other hand..."
I leaned back far enough for our lips to be an inch away. I licked my lips slightly and he bit his bottom lip slightly moving forward.

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