Cole, Attitude & Punished

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Natalia pov:

It's been a few weeks and I am off of detention and so is Mia . Today is Monday so she will be back.My brothers all gave me a brief announcement/ lecture about ignoring her.

Yea I will try but Cole doesn't seem happy about the fact Mia and I aren't friends and even Madder about the fact I slapped her even know he knows the full story! Ugh he is getting on my nerves now!

On the plus side Jake and I got close even though he still won't tell me who his girlfriend is. Both Noah and Lucas gave me permission to date him once they saw and I had him speak to them but where not dating yet just close friends! McKenzie and I and another girl named Katherine became close friends!

In Leo's words Jake and I are Close Close Closeee friends that's alll!

Anyway it's lunch time.

"Hey Natalia!" McKenzie say smiling waving over at me

"Hey McKenzie" I say giving a slight smile

"Hey Kat" I say waving over to her

"Hey" She says looking at Jake

I don't know why but every time I talk to Jake she seems annoyed and sometimes just stares at him.I try to ignore that's though! I mean he's not fully mine yet either so I can't really be mad.

"Hey ugly" Mia says walking up to or table

Does she not get what stay away means?

"Leave us alone" McKenzie says as I just roll my eyes and continue to talk to McKenzie like she isn't there

Like a brat she is she stomps her foot and screams and says " Natalia you bitch your uniform is looking plain why don't I just...." She pours Orange Juice all over me! Now everyone is staring in our direction! Theo and Leo are on a school trip but Cole is there watching the entire thing and laughing with his friends! Is he joking?

As I get up and I was just about to go to the bathroom Natalia says " Hmm much better I hope your parents are proud of there orange juice".

As I looked to Cole he is still laughing! That jerk! I run out of there with McKenzie and Kat soon running after me.

We tried to clean it out but you can still obviously see it! What is wrong with Cole! Why is he still dating that girl!

I wanted to punch him & Mia but I couldn't! Ughhhhh!

As 5 period goes by and it is now 6 period.... Everywhere I go people keep whispering! As we get in to the class Mia sits down behind me and say

" I am surprised the orange juice didn't go bad yet!"

"Ugh Just shut up!"

"Tell you parents that"

"You Bitch!"

"I prefer a cat"

"Mia I Swear to god leave me the fuck alone!" I cursed

" Natalia!" Ms.Woods says I guess I will be calling your guardians Ms.Marino which is a shame because I know how disappoint they will be! You also have detention after school with me!

"Ugh I don't care" I say as I roll my eyes! That shocked her and the class!

I told you once I'm mad, I'm mad and there ain't no going back now! Oops! I mean hey at least detention is with her!

"Alrighty then" Ms.Woods Said as she picked up the phone to call I guess Noah or Lucas. Step out the classroom with it

"Hi, This Is Ms.Woods I'm just Calling you to inform you that your sister has been very rude and disrespectful to me and her classmates

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