Attitude and Aftermath

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Natalia pov:

Once we got in the car I was so confused! I don't know what to do anymore.... I just feel like I am not good enough for him.

I might as well start scrolling on his ex page maybe their pictures can give me a better idea.

As I start scrolling Theo and Leo get in the car and close the door.

"Hey sis how was your first dateeee!?" Leo asked all excited

"It was alright" I say with barely any emotion still scrolling through his exs page as Theo begins to drives.

"What's wrong? What happened".? Theo asked looking over his shoulder at me

"Nothing was fine we just talked most of the time" I say still scrolling but stopping and looking up giving a slight smile.

"I know that look Nat tell us what's wrong?" Theo says sounding very confused and concerned

"Nothing. Nothing don't worry about it" I say again but this time annoyed as I still scroll through the pages.

Then Theo sighs and says "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing...." I say but before I can say another word Theo takes it out my hand

"Hey!..." I say but stop

Then Theo hands my phone to Leo so he can see and then Leo hands it back to him.

"Natalia are you kidding?"Theo said

I stayed quiet and looked out the window.

"Natalia all of us meaning all of our brothers told you about this.... Theo paused... This isn't good for your health". Theo said sounding very concerned but also serious

"I know but.... nevermind" I say looking out the window

"But what?" Leo says in a concerned voice

"It's not a big deal" I say still looking out the window a little annoyed

"Nat this is a big deal" Leo said sounding concerned

"Looking at other girl pages isn't a big deal?" Theo said sounding concerned but stern

"No.. it's just photos" I say quietly but loud enough for them to hear.

With that being said both Leo and Theo sighed until Theo said

"Nat I am keeping your phone".

"What!....Why...?" I say quietly but still loud enough to hear

"Because that isn't healthy Nat" Leo said from the backseat removing his makeup since we were going home and replying only a little

"I'm going to call Lucas& Noah later so they can talk to you" Theo said sounding concerned

"But.... *sigh*... Okay" I say quietly

There was silence for a minute or two until Leo spoke

"Nat....Why?....What makes u want to look at those pictures?" Leo says

"'s hard to e-explain....."I say still looking at the window and quietly

"Why is it hard to explain?" Leo says as he stops putting on blush and looked at me from the backseat.

"Its! Just hard! Okay!" I say annoyed and now with sass and angry in my tone! Receiving a very very hard slap from Theo on my thigh.

"Owwwwwwwww" I say as I rub my thigh

"Theo...." Leo says not liking the fact I keep getting popped

"Natalia watch it...Leo asked you a question you answer normally and you know if it was Lucas or Noah driving you wouldn't be doing this" Theo said glancing at me as we now pulled up into the driveway

"Sorryyyy" I say rubbing my thigh! Damn that hurtttt!

With that Leo and Theo sighed again....

"Thank you... you can wait in your room for now until I get a hold of Lucas & Noah on the phone" Theo says now turning of the car.

"Okay" I say still rubbing my thigh. As I get out the car.

What was gonna happen now? Will Noah and Lucas be mad? Is Jake really right? Ughh so much going on!

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