Trouble Part 2

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Natalia pov:

"Natalia come let's go to my room"Matthew said still a little mad so his Italian accent kick through.

I gulped but followed him upstairs passing my Noah's room hearing him scold Cole in Italian. It was too muffled to understand.

"Sit" Matthew said pointing to the bed as he closed the door behind him.

"Natalia, We all have warned you before to stop calling your brother names even if he is being mean to you, ignore it you know he was already in trouble. Why would you then put yourself in trouble by doing a similar thing he is in trouble for huh? Matthew asked in a gentle but serious manner now sitting down beside me.

"I-I Don't know I just... I guess got upset and wasn't the moment I am..sorry"I said as looked to the left , Matthew was on my right side.

Matthew sighed and then said " Thank you for apologizing but that's not going to cut it" he paused and then continued... "I will be taking your phone for a week as for calling your brother names, but as of telling him to shut the hell up".. he stop and pinched me.

"Ow-owww shh owww matthewww p-pleaseee ow-ow" I said almost about to cry. His pinches hurt so much!!!

After he held it there for what felt like eternity but was probably like a minute tear began pouring down my face. I hated crying! I thought It always made me look weak!

Then he stopped and lifted my chin to look at him and said

"Natalia Sai che non mi piace farlo. Per favore, comportati bene. la scuola inizia tra 3 giorni, non voglio che tu ti metta nei guai ! Va bene?"(Which means:Natalia You know I don't like doing that. Please behave yourself. School starts in 3 days, I don't want you to get in trouble! Okay?)

I just nodded my head .

"Parole Natalia" (Words Natalia) Matthew said now squeeze my chin a little

"Okay" I said as I looked into his hazel eyes. Noah, Leo, Henry and I are the only ones in the family with blue eyes. We got them from our mom but the others all have hazel eyes from our dad.

Then Matthew began wiping my tears which shocked me and I guess he notice because he said " Hey , Just because I have to Punish you doesn't me I don't love you or take care of you."He said now hugging me as he kissed my temple."

"But I'm still taking your phone and you still need to apologize to Cole for call him names"Matthew added

"Wait but what about school"?I asked a little annoyed

"I guess you just won't have your phone for the first week of school"Matthew said in a serious tone .

"Seriouslyyyyy" I whined a bit but stopped once Matthew gave me a "little girlll look"

"Would you rather it be longer" Matthew Said glaring at me

"No I said also shaking my head"

With that I take out my phone from my pocket and give it to him. Goodbye phone for now.

"Okay why don't you go in your room til dinner is ready"Matthew said as he uses his head to point to the door.

"Okay" I say as I get up and go to my room.

As I go to my room I can't help but keep looking at my celling and then to my piano.

Just there with a white sheet over it. I haven't touched it in 8 years. Maybe I should....As I thought about getting up. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said now sitting up on my bed.

Has Cole walked through the door and closed it behind him he looked like he been crying for a while.

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