Complete Chaos

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Hey sorry I haven't posted in 2 days. Was kind Busy. 💕😊

Chapter recommended: Tailasendi8

Natalia pov:

It's now almost the end of November and a lot of things had happen. I am starting to become very very close with Zander. I do like him now,I'm just scared.

School has been busy. Leo and Theo are pretty much annoying each other. Right now I'm in the project room. Where we do most of our school projects.

I am doing a solar system project with Cole. You do it with a Grade older and since Cole and I live in the same house. It's easier to do the project.

Cole, Theo and Leo are all in the room with me. Leo is reading a book and Theo is on his phone.

"Wait Neptune is blue not orange Cole." I say confused 

"Yea... what about its?" Cole asked confused 

"Well your kinda painting it orange." I say pointing to what Cole Is doing 

"Oh oops my bad."Cole says chuckling a little 

"Just get the towel and wipe it off. It's due tomorrow." I say sighing a bit 

"Wait do we have to make Pluto?" Cole ask as he grabs the towel and wipes of the paint 

"Umm I don't know? Is Pluto a planet?" I ask Theo confused 

"Umm yea it should be." Theo says looking up from his phone

"It's not a planet you idiot are you slow? ." Leo says to Theo. Who are sitting across from each other on separate couches and Cole and I are on the floor.

"You should be asking yourself that question." Theo says rolling his eyes

"Well you came out first so maybe you are slow." Leo says annoyed

"Oh shut the hell up." Theo says now standing up

"Make me." Leo says now standing up

"Oh come on guess do this somewhere else." Cole says trying to break up the situation 

"Stay out of it." Leo and Theo say at the same time

"Geez geez okay." Cole says throwing his hand up in the air 

"You really want to play this game." Theo says 

"This isn't a game I said make me do it you bitch." Leo says now angry 

"What you call me? Alright you asked for it." Theo says as he pushes Leo and before I know it they were physical fighting.

Leo now punching Theo and Theo kicking him. Then Leo falls back. Right onto our project. 

"What in the world is going on?" Noah says as he grabs Theo by his shirt and now they stopped fighting.

"Wow what happened?" Lucas asked seriously 

"Theo got mad and started fighting me." Leo exclaims

"Alright let's not act like you didn't start this." Theo says annoyed rolling his eyes

"You know what enough both of you guys in my room now." Noah says sternly as Leo and Theo go upstairs in his room.

"You guys okay?" Lucas asked concerned 

"Yea but our project isn't." I say annoyed

"When is it due?" Lucas asked 

"It's due tomorrow morning." Cole says as you can now tell he is a little irritated 

"Alright I will call the science teacher and tell them your project will be a little late." Lucas says stroking my hair and rufflings Cole.

Leo pov:

As we are in Noah's room. I am kinda scared it's been a while since I got punished. Maybe like 2 years.

Then Noah comes in.

 "Are you guys serious right now? You guys have been fighting like this for the past 2 weeks and on top of that you could of hurt one of your siblings." Noah says sternly 

"I know I'm sorry." I say knowing even if I apologize I'm likely to get punished 

"I am too." Theo says looking at me

"Well that's not going to cut it. Especially because you guys are supposed to be roll models. Hands on the bed and pants down. " Noah says as he sighs. Not wanting to do this.

As we put are hands on the bed and pull down our pants . I hear Noah's belt being taken off. 

"You guys are getting 16 with the belt. For every day you guys been arguing and 2 extra because you guys were physically fighting and could of hurt one of your siblings." 

With our warning Noah starts right away.

I- Smack! Don't- Smack! Understand why- Smack! You guys Smack! Have been Smack! Fighting with each Smack! Other. Smack! It's not SMACK! Ow- SMACK! Okay. 

You could of  SMACK! hurt one of SMACK! your SMACK! siblings. Then tears started pouring down my face  

"4 more." Noah says in a gentle tone 

You guys SMACK! Know Smack! Better Smack! than SMACK this.

When Noah was finished we pulled up our pants and sat on his bed. God that hurt.

"You guys know I didn't want to do, especially because you guys are almost 18 years old.. Especially for something like this. Apologize to each other." Noah says gently as he ruffles my hair and  Theo hair. Who at the moment is wiping his tears.

"I'm sorry,I just got so mad I lost control, I should of took a minute ." Theo says as he runs his hands through his hair

"I am sorry, I started a big thing instead of explaining to you Pluto wasn't a planet nicely." I say as I chuckle a little at the fact we just fault because of that.

"Good now that your guys are back to normal. I will be taking your phone for a week. So text your girlfriend and your boyfriend that you won't have your phone." Noah says pointing to Theo and then to me.

"Okay."I say as I text my love and then give Noah my phone

As we wait for Theo. He finally gives Noah his phone.

"I love you guys." Noah says as he kisses are foreheads

"I love you too." Theo and I said at the same time, and laughed a little.

What's going to happen now?

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Super busy, but I'm still trying to at least post a chapter a day. Love ya 💕😊🫶🏾. Any recommendations feel free to leave them in the comments.💕🫶🏾😅🙏🏾😩

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