Unexpected Pt.1

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Author note: Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm going to be back on schedule now. Sorry January was a tough month. I will be posting more constantly now. Like every other day. This chapter does have some cursing. Does talk about Valentine's Day at the last chapter. Just in case any of you guys have a religion that doesn't celebrate that skip the last chapter.💝Love ya ❤️

Natalia pov:

It's been a few days since I have seen Hannah our with Jake. I confronted her about it and she said that I was being delusional and that I never saw her with him.

We allll know that's not true. I wish I would of taken a picture or something.

I'm currently in my room playing the piano. When I hear Ryan calling me downstairs.

"Natalia please come downstairs lunch is ready ." He says in a gentle voice as his Italian accent kicks through.

"Okay I'm coming." I say as I stop playing the piano and walk downstairs.

When I come downstairs the first thing Cole does is start laughing.

"What's so funny." I say as I roll my eyes.

"Hey I say that be nice." Matthew warned 

"Fine." I say annoyed and with attitude, surprising my brothers.

"Natalia drop the attitude." Lucas warns raising an eyebrow at me, as I'm am now sitting down next to him.

"But-." I start to say but Noah cuts me off.

"Natalia that means now." He says as his Italian accent that changes into more of an authoritative tone. Making me realize he is not playing around.

"Okay....okay, I'm sorry." I say realizing if I go on anymore I might end up in trouble.

With that Noah nods. "Thank you." He says.

"Well I have news for everyone, Well most of you know, This is really just for Natalia and Cole ." Matthew says smiling.

"What happened ?" Cole asked confused.

"What is it?" I say also very confused looking at Matthew with my head tilted.

"Awww."Caleb says cooing as if I'm a damn baby.

"Whatttt?" I say confused, trying not to laugh.

"You look so cute doing that, just like when you were 4." Adam adds on grinning 

"Ohhhh comeee onn, everything I do is cute." I say giggling making my brothers laugh.

"Take that as a compliment you get it from me." Leo says winking at me as he sits next to me. Making me laugh.

"Leo you're funny." I say as I shake my head.

"Well I have a girlfriend." Matthew says smiling

Oh shit..... Here we go again. I am excited but I'm kinda scared.

"You do!?"I say with a small smile.

"Yea we have only been together for a week, but we have been talking for a year, Well we were just co workers."Matthew says with a smile.

"Welp there goes another girl out to get Natalia." Cole says. Gaining a few looks.

"Cole seriously?" Nico asked looking at him like he had 5 heads.

"What isn't it the truth?" Cole says with tone, acting as if he is never wrong.

"Well first off Cole , Chill with the tone and Second off how do you know that?" Marcus asked looking at him sternly

"Well every girl hates her, that's just it." Cole says shrugging.

With that I sigh making all my brothers turn towards me. 

Then I start speaking "Look Cole, I guess your kinda right (girls are out to get me *I say this with quotation marks*.) however that's going to be my whole life. When you have 12 brothers and your the only girl. That's just the way things works. Plus I never met Matty girl friend you don't know." I say smiling. Making my brothers smiling too.

"Yea Cole you don't ever know." Theo says smiling

"Guess ya right." Cole says.

"Well what's her name? What she like to do?" I asked smiling

"Her name is London and she work as a Surgeon . She loves soccer and a lot of other things I think you guys will connect on." Matthew states grinning from ear to ear.

"Wait she is a surgeon?!" I say smiling a little.

"Yep." Matthew says nodding.

One thing about me is the internal body always interest me. Like I will never be a surgeon because I don't have steady hands. Theo wants to be a surgeon and I learn a lot from him everyday. It's just cool knowing all the different parts of the body.

"That's cool, When will I meet her?" I say smiling.

"You will meet her tomorrow morning, Just the two of you. We thought it was best to do 1 on 1. So maybe you actually get to know each other more." Matthew says.

"Okay." I say not being able to focus.

"Jellybean you okay?" Lucas asked next to me.

"Umm yea why wouldn't I be." I say as I stare at my ice in my cup.

"Nat look at me." Noah says softly.

As I do he continues talking. " what are you anxious or excited about?

"Huh? Well idk, i just want to meet her already." I say smiling

"Seriously You are excited to meet her?" Henry asked concerned 

"Yea.....?"I say more as a question then a statement.

"You don't like people." Theo says confused.

"Yep still don't,I don't know I think it's because Matthew is dating her. I mean if any of you guys date a girl, I'm going to be excited to meet them. I mean the only reason I wasn't excited to meet Nico Ex-Girlfriend was because I found out late and i was stuck on that. I trust all of you guys so of course I'm going to be excited to meet ya girlfriend." I say smiling 

"That makes sense."Leo says nodding.

After we talked for a little while. We all cleaned up and went separate places. I went to my room. 

One thing I forgot to mention is Report conferences are in 2 days. I'm failing 2 classes. On top of that Valentine's Day is in 2 weeks that mean the dance is in 1. Zandy and I have been dating for a while. We have a date soon. 

"Natalia come to my office." I hear Noah yell from downstairs 

"Okay I'm coming." I say as I walk downstairs 

"Yes?" I ask as I sit on one of the long couch's. As Noah, Lucas, Ryan are on the other.

"It's about you're report card."Lucas says crossing his arm

Uh oh.....

Next chapter should be every other day❤️. Love ya. Who is ya valentine?

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