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May 28, 2015

Laguna Beach, California
7:00pm; dream time

     Grace fell asleep and opened her eyes to a familiar scene - the Pacific Ocean, her favorite place in the world, lay before her in all of its glory. This was where she lived before going into foster care.

   As she looked around the sunset-stained landscape, Grace saw no sign of Martijn. She simply sighed in boredom and sat at the edge of the sand so her feet were caressed by the gentle waves. Everything was astonishingly beautiful, and the familiarity of it was very calming.

   Some time passed before she heard gentle footsteps coming towards me and she felt someone sit beside her. Without looking in their direction, she simply smiled softly and said, "hello, Martijn." He laughed lightly and replied in his beautiful accent, "hello, Grace."

   Grace turned her head to find him already looking at her with a twinkle in his eyes, and she smirked. His eyes lingered on her face for a little while longer before he fixed his steady gaze on the vast ocean in front of them.

     "Where are we? I don't think I know this place," he said.

     "We're in California. This is where I used to live," said Grace.

     "You mean you got to see this every day?" he asked, gesturing around them.

     "Yeah, I mean I guess it's nice. But it's no Amsterdam," she said of Martijn's home in the Netherlands. Grace had visited the city twice in her dreams, but this was the first time he'd ever been here.

   Martijn scoffed and replied, "Amsterdam isn't half as nice as this."

   Grace simply laughed in response. "Whatever you say."

     "How's life?" he asked, nudging my shoulder. "Is Tim coming to visit soon?"

     "Yes actually, he just finished finals and he's flying out at the end of the week," she said, not able to hold back her wide smile. She was very excited to see my big brother again. She hadn't seen him since Christmas almost five months ago.

      "How about you? How's Laura?" she asked. Laura was his younger sister and just a few months older than Grace.

     "She's fine. I haven't seen her much lately. I'm still...traveling," he replied with a slight hesitation.

   Grace frowned. "You should go home more often. You don't spend enough time asleep, Martijn."

     "Oh, how I wish I could, Grace. Oh, how I wish I could," he murmured and sighed, lying back into the sand and looking up at the painted sky.

   Her frown deepened and she touched his forearm reassuringly. He blinked up at her and stared into her eyes, almost as if he was searching for something. But it was over almost as quickly as it happened, and he closed his eyes and sighed once more.

   She watched his face for a moment, then looked back to the horizon, which was now enveloped in shades of violet and rose red, and the first stars were just beginning to come out.

   The wind rustled over the waves and the soothing scent of salt and something like home invaded her senses. She laid her head on the ground, turning my body to face Martijn and drawing pictures in the sand. She couldn't say how long they sat there, but she nearly jumped when he spoke again.

     "Have you ever met someone and everything about them just made sense?" he asked facing her, his eyes unusually blue.

     "I'm not sure I know what you mean by that," she said, slightly confused.

     "I mean, they're everything you've ever wanted in a person and more. They're just...perfect."

     "Yes," she replied without hesitation, thinking of the boy lying less than two feet away. "Have you?"

   Martijn gazed at her with a look that made my heart race and her skin tingle involuntarily. "Yes," he finally replied in a near-whisper.

   Her breath caught in her throat and she had to turn away from him so she didn't have face those intense yet inviting eyes. She was afraid that if he saw them, he would see all of her thoughts, and she didn't want to ruin the relationship she had with her only friend.

       She was in love with him. And that scared her to death.

Author's Note~ (yeah it's one of THOSE stories)

Welcome to my first (technically) ever story on wattpad!! I know it's a bit rough, but I'm still working out some of the kinks so bear with me on this. Don't forget to vote and comment, feedback is ALWAYS appreciated. Anyways, it's time for chapter 2, so I better go.


Taylor xx

dreams | Martijn Garritsen ✔️Where stories live. Discover now