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February 14, 2013

Aspen, Colorado

12:03am; dream time

Grace opened her eyes to a breathtaking scene - it was around midnight and she was in a snowy forest somewhere in the mountains. Her breath, like smoke, came out in visible clouds of vapor. Thankfully she was dressed appropriately, in boots, pants, a thick and fluffy sweater, a long coat, a scarf, and a beanie.

She blinked up at the starry sky as her vision adjusted to the darkness. There were so many stars out, more than you could ever see in a city. She glanced around and spotted Martijn attempting to climb one of the large trees around us. He was making good progress, but fell halfway up into a pile of snow. "Stupid fucking tree," he muttered under his breath as he got up and brushed the perfectly white snow off of his sweater.

"Careful," said Grace, and he whipped his head around to her, surprised yet amused. "You don't want to hurt the poor tree's feelings," she joked sarcastically, smirking at him.

"How long have you been here?" He asked and walked towards her.

"Long enough to see you fail at climbing trees," she replied, still smirking.

"You saw that?" he said, scratching the back of his neck. She laughed and threw a snowball at him.

"Oh you want to play that game," he said mischievously, grabbing a handful of snow and throwing it at Grace. It hit her right in the face. "It is so on!" she yelled, and suddenly they were in a full-fledged snowball fight. It was total chaos.

Eventually, after a long run, Grace surrendered and they both collapsed next to each other on the ground, out of breath with their arms aching. They looked at each other with big, goofy grins, and laughed for what felt like hours. Finally, they pulled themselves together and just gazed out into the endless starry sky, and started pointing out some of the constellations to each other.

"Do you see that faint one over there? That's Virgo. Virgo's my zodiac sign. And that one over there? That's Taurus, your zodiac sign," Grace said and pointed to various clusters of stars.

"You're really smart, I don't understand how you know all of this," Martijn said in awe.

"I just think it's fascinating," she replied with a shrug.

They were quiet for a while after that, just taking in the beauty of their surroundings.

Grace broke through the silence and asked, "So what's new in your life? Anything interesting?"

"Yeah actually. You know how I've always wanted to be a music producer, right?" he said with excitement laced in his accent. He talked about it almost every night for the past eight years or so. Grace rolled her eyes. "I think you've mentioned it once or twice."

"Well, I've been working on this one track, and I think it's going to be released soon. It's called 'Animals'," Martijn said with an adorable smile.

"No way, that's so cool!" Grace said happily.

He stood up and held out his hand to help her up. "I think this one will be a hit, I'm very proud of it," he said. "You're insanely talented, I know it's gonna be huge," she said then ruffled his silky soft hair. Nice.

He blushed and laughed gently. Her insides melted at how cute he was acting. She grabbed his hand, which was strangely warm against her freezing cold one, and began to pull him in the direction of the mountain peaks and the indigo horizon.

"Come on, Marty," she said impatiently, "let's watch the sunrise."

"You know we're in a dream, right Grace? There's more than one way to the top of the mountain," Martijn said, laughing.

"Oh yeah," Grace said, and she could feel her face burning with embarrassment.

"Come on, hold on to me," he said, and she obeyed.

Suddenly, they were up in the frigid air, and the wind whistled all around them.

"Just don't look down," Martijn whispered in her ear. (Author's note; *wink wink*) "Wasn't planning on it," she whisper back, clutching to him tighter, if that was even possible.

His chest vibrated as he laughed. It wasn't just a chuckle, or anything else, but a full, heartwarming, beautiful laugh.

Never let go, Martijn," Grace said, burying her face in his sweater and shivering. "I'll never let go, I promise," he said sincerely.

They landed in a tree on top of one of the mountains and watched the sky change from purple to pink. Grace laid her head on Martijn's shoulder and they wrapped their arms around each other, completely content.

"You're my best friend, you know that, right?" she said, nuzzling her head into his shoulder. He didn't say anything in response, but she felt him sigh and grab a piece of her windswept hair and twirl it around one of his fingers.

Later, as the sun began to appear on the now blazing horizon, Martijn exhaled deeply, and said in a sad tone, "I have to go now." "Okay," Grace said sadly and she released herself from him. They continued to hold hands and stare into each other's eyes. He was so close. So, so close.

"I'll see you tomorrow night," he whispered. She smiled at him, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Yeah. See you," she said, her voice cracking at the end.

He looked at Grace one last time, let go of her hand, and turned away. Then the wind picked up and he vanished, leaving only his scent in the lingering wind. Grace sighed and watched the sunrise for a little while longer. She was only 14, just starting high school, and he was 16. Those two numbers just didn't go together. She stayed until the sun was almost fully risen, then finally left it behind.


When she woke up, Grace found herself back in her bedroom, cold and alone.

Author's Note~

iT'S 1:15 IN THE MORNING AND I JUST WROTE THIS CHAPTER IN LIKE THREE HOURS so I formally apologize if it's not all that good. Lol bye <3

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