
647 31 9

December 21, 2013

All he saw was complete darkness. Nothing but thick, pitch-black nothing. Martijn shivered slightly as he took in his surroundings. He was so confused. What was going on? Where was Grace? He walked through the dark space blindly, until he came across what felt like a doorknob. He turned it and discovered that it was in fact a door that led to another room. This one was lit, dimly but surely, by a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.

He wasn't alone, either. There was another person in the room, sitting in a crumpled heap on the freezing floor, facing the wall. As he approached them, he noticed that they had wavy chestnut-colored hair, and he recognized her immediately.

"Grace," he said softly and let his feet guide him toward her. He touched her arm to make sure she was okay, but found that she was numbingly cold. He turned her body towards him and was shocked at what he saw.

Her wrists were slashed repeatedly and her white silk dress was stained with dark blood. Her breaths were very shallow, almost unnoticeable. Her eyes, normally a bright greenish-brown, looked dull and lifeless, almost gray. They filled with tears as she met his unwavering gaze.

"I'm sorry," she barely whispered. "I'm so sorry, Martijn."

Then, with all the strength she had left, she sobbed into his shoulder. Martijn, not saying a word, cradled her fragile body close to his chest. He was sure that his shirt would be covered in blood stains, but it was Grace's blood and that was okay. She was one of the only people he cared that much for.

After a while, her loud sobs became strangled cries, then grew quieter until there was nothing left but soft and shaky breaths. When she finally stopped and her body went limp, Martijn placed a kiss on her delicate forehead. Then he buried his face in her hair, which still smelled like lavender and chamomile, and cried until his throat was raw.

Later, he pulled his head away to try and relieve himself of the pain. Suddenly, the dimly lit room began to change scenery, and Grace's body left his grasp like water running through his fingers.

"No!" he yelled in desperation. He tried to reach out for her but his hands were only met with cold air. Suddenly, a bright light appeared and Martijn had to shield his eyes from the intensity of its brilliance.


When he opened his eyes again, Martijn found himself in a golden field of grain. He spotted a figure coming towards him, taking slow and measured steps. As Martijn saw the being more clearly, he noticed it had broad white wings, and they seemed to turn gold when the sun hit them. It was an angel. A beautiful, heavenly angel. When she approached him, he was utterly surprised. It was Grace.

"Grace?" he fumbled over his words nervously. How could he not be nervous in the presence of such a beautiful and lovely creation? "How did you- I never thought I'd see you again, I- I thought you were gone," he managed.

Grace laughed and it sounded like music and nothing less than pure joy. Her golden-green eyes sparkled in the dazzling sunshine. "Oh Martijn, you can be so naïve sometimes," she said with a warm smile.

Martijn tilted his head to one side, much like a confused puppy would. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Grace smiled again, and Martijn felt butterflies flying anxiously inside of him. "It was just a dream," she said. "I never left. I will always be with you. Always."

"So I'll see you again, then. This isn't the end?" he asked, a spark of hope in his voice.

Grace let out another joyful laugh, and a soft breeze blew around them, almost as if nature itself was sighing in content.

"This is not the end. It is only the beginning."


After Martijn's encounter with the angel, he began to look at Grace differently. He noticed little things about her, like the way she blushed whenever she laughed, her dimpled smile, or the way her eyes lit up when she was happy; even the way her hair was never perfectly neat.

Falling in love with her was a lot like falling asleep. It was slow at first, like a lone feather drifting in the wind, so slow he barely noticed it. Then it came all at once, like a wildfire blazing through a dry grassland.

She was indescribably amazing. She wasn't perfect by any means, but that was the best kind of beauty. She was beautifully broken.

"This is not the end. It is only the beginning."

Author's Note~

A wild update appeared!!! Surpriise hahaha I know I said I probably wasn't going to update until I left for my vacation, but I was feeling really inspired today so I thought I'd write probably the most intense piece of literature I've ever written in my life ;) I hoped you enjoyed and don't forget to vote this chapter and leave a comment!

Have a nice day <3

dreams | Martijn Garritsen ✔️Where stories live. Discover now