
600 23 10

December 7, 2015

Dover, England
11:13 am

Grace opened her eyes to the gray ocean that she still remembered so well, even after all these years. She walked to the edge of the cliff to breathe in the salty air and feel it's chilly embrace. Her hair flew in her face and it was no doubt looking like a curly brown hurricane, but she could care less. She sat down and let her feet dangle over the side of the pure white sea cliff. She watched the waves crash upon the rocks below her and thought about time.

She thought about how, over time, the waves had carved patterns into the rocks, making them smaller and softening their jagged edges. She thought about how the scene would look in the future. Maybe the rocks would be turned to rubble, then there wouldn't be any land left for the waves to crash onto. Maybe her life was just waves crashing on rocks, worn away until there was nothing left of her. She thought about jumping, about ending everything right then and there.

Because if Martijn was gone, what was the point?

She experimentally let one of her shoes fall, and watched with dull eyes as it dropped and hit the ground with a distant thud, and was carried off by the next set of waves. She began to shift forward and make the fatal leap, when suddenly two strong arms pulled her far back to the safety of stable ground.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" a Dutch voice said fearfully. Grace turned towards the voice with surprised eyes. They stared at each other for a moment, then Grace sobbed into Martijn's sweater. No words were exchanged. They were both in utter shock, and it was a tearful reunion for the both of them. After it seemed they're clothes would be stained in salty tears, Grace looked up into Martijn's shinning face, and for the first time in a long time, she was happy.

"How? What? Why?" she asked him. "I don't know, but I'm glad it's over now," he said with a smile so bright it would make the sun jealous.

"This place," Grace said breathlessly. "It's been so long." "I know," he replied. "Do you remember?" she asked. "Yes," he replied without hesitation.

He looked at her like she was a work of art, and to him she was. But he was also her work of art.

"I have to tell you something, but promise me you won't run away when I say it," Martijn said, his crystal eyes never leaving her face. "Promise," said Grace, feeling a little unsure.

"I love you. I've loved you for a long time. You're beautiful. Not in the way you look, although I do find you very attractive. Not in what you say, although your words and voice are lovely. It's the way you are. I love the way your hair is never completely perfect, I love the way you snort sometimes when you laugh too hard, and I love how you fidget with your hands when you're nervous. I love your dimples, even though you think they look awkward. I love your slightly crooked teeth, the freckles on your skin and the freckles in your eyes. I love it when you talk too much and I love it when you're embarrassed because you have this cute little smile and you go all red. You're just so fucking beautiful."

He looked at her with fearless love in his eyes, and her eyes glistened with joyful tears. "I'm going to kiss you now if you'll let me," he whispered. Grace said nothing, but closed her eyes and moved her head towards his.

Grace had never been kissed before, so she had no idea what to expect. She just knew that it was a moment she wasn't about to forget anytime soon. She'd be lying if she said there were sparks or fireworks because this was real, and not some cliché over romanticized love story. However there was definitely a connection there. She could feel his emotion in the kiss, like he was unraveling himself in front of her, and years of suppressed feelings became enflamed by their pressing lips. There's really nothing that can be compared to that feeling one has when they kiss someone they love, and that someone actually kisses them back. She felt infinite, like an angel opening its wings for the very fist time.

The kiss only lasted about ten seconds, but after what felt like an eternity, their lips parted for air. Martijn opened his eyes to Grace's, and knew from the twinkling constellations in her eyes that his impulse decision had paid off.

There they were, the two lovers, their once blind eyes now taking the world in with vivid clarity.

Author's Note:

lol I'm back.

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