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July 3, 2015

Ibiza, Spain

2:00am, real time

"Thank you so much, Urshuaïa, that was fucking awesome!" Martijn yelled out to the intoxicated and sunburned crowd. He hopped off the stage, sweaty and exhausted.

   A few girls in bikinis and matching flower crowns screamed when they saw him, and he stopped to take a few selfies with them. As he waved good-bye and walked towards the hotel, they squealed amongst themselves and discussed which one of them he thought was the hottest. Martijn shook his head and chuckled to himself.

He loved his Garrixers but sometimes they were a little ridiculous.

Martijn went through the doors to the lobby, but was tackled by one of his closest friends, Julian Dobbenberg. "Martiiiiiin! What's up, bro?" he said with his signature smirk and bright blue eyes.

Martijn shrugged. "Same old same old I guess," he replied, the beginnings of a smile forming on his lips. Julian always knew how to cheer Martijn up, even when he felt like absolute shit.

"I saw your set, that was really sick," Julian said and lightly punched Martijn in the shoulder. "Thanks man, it was super fun as always," he said with a yawn.

"Whoa, are you okay, bro? You look tired as hell," Julian said, his eyebrows knit together with worry. "Yeah, these last few weeks have been very busy," Martijn said as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

"You better get plenty of rest, dude. Don't let them work you too hard," Julian said with a laugh.

"I know, I know," he said in attempt to brush off his friend's concern for his well-being. The two boys stepped into the elevator and went up to their rooms on the top floor.

"You know, sometimes I forget that you're famous, Martin," Julian joked as Martijn fished around in his pockets for the room key.

"So do I," Martijn said with a laugh. Then he entered the lavish bedroom, where he immediately collapsed and fell asleep on the feathery mattress.


Los Angeles, California

8:37pm; dream time

Martijn gasped in awe as a gorgeous scene materialized right before his eyes.

He was standing on a small mountain and the vast city of Los Angeles was spread out before him. The city lights glowed in grid-like patterns beneath the twilight sky.

He spotted Grace not too far from him, staring at skyline in silence. She looked like a work of art; her body was a black silhouette, a beautiful contrast against the horizon. He crept closer to her with caution because he didn't want to disturb the peaceful setting.

She jumped slightly at the sound of his approaching footsteps on the dirt ground and her shoulders tensed in fear. She turned her head to face him and she relaxed a little.

"Hey, Martijn," she said with a melancholy look in her deep hazel eyes. "Hello, Grace," he said with a soft smile.

"You look sad, are you alright?" Martijn asked, a look of worry on his handsome face. "I'm fine," she said with a forced smile, but Martijn saw straight through her lie.

"Come on, what is it?" he asked, his body now less than a foot away from Grace. "It's just...this is the place where my parents fell in love, and it's where my dad proposed to my mom. It reminds me of them so much," she said, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

Without saying a word, Martijn wiped the tear away. His thumb caressed her soft skin and lingered for a few extra seconds and he stared into her eyes intensely. He wanted so badly to bring her face towards his and kiss her hard enough to take all of the pain away, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, he took her in his arms and pressed his lips to her forehead. As he held her close, he prayed that she wouldn't notice his rapidly beating heart.

He was on fire. She set him aflame with burning passions he never thought existed. It was all her.

Author's Note~

I know this chapter's a lil short but it's definitely my favorite one so far! :)

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