Three's Company?

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A few days had passed before Aria paid another visit, and it was a few days after that when Elio was experiencing feelings he had never had before in his life. From constantly writing and rewriting little poems about her to practicing more love songs, even looking in every nook and cranny of the tower for something to give her during her next visit, anyone could see that he was more than just excited about having a visitor.

That was definitely the case when Cassio returned to the tower and found Elio gazing out the window, looking longingly into space without noticing his father's arrival. Even though he didn't want his son to bonk his head on the windowsill, Cassio lightly tapped Elio's shoulder before smiling as he safely jumped and turned around. After apologizing for not noticing his entrance, Elio smiled as Cassio forgave him before he was asked about his starry gaze out the window. Freezing at the question, Elio worried for a moment about whether or not he should tell the truth about Aria, but he decided that he would probably feel better if he told the truth.

"Father? That voice you heard me singing with on my birthday... belonged to a young woman who was riding nearby."

"It did? I should have known that no human could split their voice between tenor and soprano like that, but... did you get to see the young woman?"

With a nod, Elio explained everything about what happened after Cassio left that day, complete with how Aria used her own rope to get into the tower. Even though he would usually forbid anyone from visiting his son, Cassio was rather surprised upon hearing that Aria was both kind and resourceful. When he heard that Elio didn't let Aria stay the night due to fear of being in trouble, Cassio appreciated how obedient his ward was while wanting to meet the young woman himself.

"Do you know if that woman is coming back anytime soon, Elio?"

"No, father. She did tell me she'd come and see me again, but she never told me when. If she does come back, please don't hurt her, because there's so much I want to learn about her."

Just as Cassio was about to assure Elio that no harm would come to Aria, the two of them stopped when they heard the sound of an approaching horse, causing Cassio to run towards the window in surprise. Sure enough, Aria could faintly be seen past the bushes outside the window, and Elio's eyes widened before his smile grew as he watched her. As soon as she was in the clearing between the forest and the tower, Aria held her rope with one hand before cupping her mouth with the other.

"Elio? Are you up there?"

"Yes, Aria! My father and I are up here! Fling the rope up!"

Even though she was a little nervous about being seen by Cassio, the excitement of possibly meeting the powerful wizard won over her fear as she obeyed Elio's request. Once she felt a light tug from the other end of the rope, Aria started climbing along the side of the tower, wondering how to make a good first impression with Cassio. When she reached the window and safely climbed through it, she smiled at Elio before immediately getting up and curtsying to Cassio, whose eyes widened at her politeness.

"'re the one whose voice I heard singing with my son, eh?"

"Y-yes, Sir. I'm sorry if that wasn't allowed, or something like that."

"Please don't worry, dear Aria. Sure, it was unexpected, but not forbidden."

After gathering her rope and coiling it around her arm, Aria walked with Elio and Cassio to the couch before she let them sit first, opting to sit on the floor as a sign of respect. Seeing how this young woman would be so humble, Cassio gave up his seat to her before adding that he would make himself invisible, hoping to lessen her nervousness. Even though she appreciated his efforts, Aria was quick to assure Cassio that she'd be alright with him being visible, to which he nodded before pulling up his own chair as she sat on the couch. While all of this was happening, Elio simply sat and smiled as his father appeared to be warming up to his visitor, and he smiled when Aria sat beside him before they started to talk.

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