The Show Goes On

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After celebrating their family reunions with a big dinner at the Rossi's house, Aria's parents were helping her with last-minute script memorization when Elio asked if he could join their show, and they warmly welcomed him into their act. Their opening show the next day was the first time Aria had been on stage in quite a while, and it was also Elio's first time on a stage in his life, but it proved to be a successful time for both. The crowds were much nicer than Aria's last audience, complete with Elio's family watching from the front row, and it was after the performance that Aria froze when she spotted someone in the distance.

"Aria? Ar... Are you alright?"

Elio asked when he noticed his friend looking off towards the back of the audience, but when he saw the stranger, he gasped and held Aria close as Cassio made his way toward them. Unlike how she had last seen the wizard, Cassio had a look of pride and excitement on his face, but she couldn't tell if it was all an act. With an outstretched hand in her direction, Cassio calmly assured Aria that he was there to congratulate them on their performance, and Aria gulped before nodding as she carefully shook his hand. When Aria apologized for making him angry during their last encounter, Cassio chuckled and assured her that she was alright before Elio peeked out from behind her and apologized for being so ungrateful. After giving him a massive hug, Cassio assured his former ward that he was alright before explaining that he was wrong for keeping him away from the world.

 While all this was happening, Aria's and Elio's parents were standing by in case anything bad should happen between their children and Cassio, staying quiet so they could hear if something went wrong. Fortunately for them, no conflicts arose between the three of them, and after promising to come back and check on them every once in a while, Cassio left while Elio and Aria watched and waved. Before the two of them could head back to work, Elio hugged Aria and giggled a little as he thanked her for protecting him, and she smiled before promising him that she'd always be there for him.

Aria and Elio kept that promise to each other over the next several years, and it was during one of their curtain calls after a show that Elio presented Aria with a reminder of that promise: a splendid diamond engagement ring. Of course, Aria said yes to his proposal, and the two of them were soon wed... complete with Cassio as a guest of honor. When the time came for Aria and Elio to have a child, she was quick to ask Cassio for his help, and he was honored to help out again. And all of them lived Happily Ever After.

The End!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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