2. Certitude

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The chairman communicates with someone on his phone while I'm sitting still on my spot, silently for the time being. I jerk my head up once I hear someone entering the room with a light click of the door opening and closing simultaneously. As soon as my eyes meet his angelic ones, a cute bunny smile appears on his face. I rise from my seat and bow to him while he returns the gesture.

His eyes leaves mine and meets the man behind me. He raises his eyebrows at the elder man speaks in a taunting manner, "See, I told you PD Nim" He says in his melodic voice with a tilt of tone.

"Yup, I know and I apologize for not taking to your words seriously earlier. Isn't this what you wanted. Are you happy now?" Bang PD asks. "Yes, I am and I forgive you. I always knew that your interviewers are good for nothing, only I am capable of finding the one suitable for me." His eyes land on me making me understand that I am the 'suitable' one being being discussed here.

The man with the statuesque physique speaks again, "Good morning Miss y/n. I hope you are willing to work with me without any problem. I can already notice that you are way more confident than the last day, now that your fingers aren't fiddling together nor are you gulping repeatedly." He teases me a sly smile making my shyness over take my confidence and a sudden flush of blood to my cheeks, making them crimson and warm.

 He notices my unease and reassures me, "Hey, I didn't mean to say it like that. I just wanted to imply that you don't need to be nervous around me. I am not going to chew you alive, after all." A chortle escape his lips while saying so. I smile at his comforting statement and reply in a soft voice, "Sure, Mr. Jeon." 

"So Miss y/n, are you ready to initiate your job as my personal secretory?" He asks with his eyebrows raised and corners of the lips lifted upwards, his voice emitting nothing but enthusiasm. "Yes, I am Mr. Jeon. And please call me y/n." I reply with a shy smile. 

"Sure, I will. Call me Jungkook as well." He instructs me but I do not forget my work 'code and conducts' and kindly deny his idea. "You know I can't Mr. Jeon. It's against my work ethics." 

"Do you really think I am the kind of following rules? I thought you did a good research about me. If your boss doesn't intend to follow the rules, why do you have to be so serious about work ethics?" He pouts making me understand the reasons for me to break rules as if we were in high school.

I keep smiling the same way as before to make him believe that I won't change my mind. "Fine, do what you want, but do not expect me to follow your orders because I won't listen to you, just like you didn't." He continues pretending to sulk like a kid, looking all upset but still adorable.

"Hey, drop it Jungkook. Don't nag her on the first day of her job. You'd not want her to run away just like your previous assistant." The elder man threatens Jungkook. 

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