5. Buried Past

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We enter the headquarters of the Hop Box and the receptionist attends us. "We have a meeting scheduled with the CEO at 3:45 PM. Could you please tell us where the meeting is to be conducted." I ask the lady politely and hand her our IDs. "Sure." She says while checking the monitor in front of her and tells a staff to accompany us to the respected floor.

We follow the person into the lift and as soon as we exit it on the 9th floor, he gestures us to enter the cabin with the 'CEO' nameplate on the door. We walk in before I could read the name written in smaller font below the board and the person inside greets Jungkook "Good afternoon Mr. Jeon. It's a pleasure to have you here."

As soon as I recognise the familiar voice, my eyes widen and my breath gets stuck in my chest. My mind floods with the flash backs of the past. When the man's eyes fall on me, his face becomes stiff and his lips part in shock. After a few seconds he gains his composure and blinks a few times to assemble his thoughts. "Good afternoon Mr. Chang. It's nice to meet you, too. This is my assistant, Miss Kim y/n. I hope you don't mind if I keep her beside us in the meeting so that she can note down some crucial details of the meeting." Jungkook smiles at the man politely, while my mind is way too messed up to think straight anymore.

However, after a while I gain control of my senses and bow to him. "Nice to meet you, Sir."

"Nice to meet you too, Miss y/n. You can stay during the meeting if you want. I have no issues." He speaks in a monotone, avoiding my sharp eyes glaring at him.

"Thanks Mr. Chang. Now should we start with the discussions of the shooting procedure for the album?" Jungkook asks while glancing in my direction to indirectly ask me to note down the details. I just nod, take my diary out of my handbag and start taking notes while trying to keep my mind away from any unwanted thoughts that can result in hampering my job.


"I guess this is enough for now." Jungkook says while getting up from his chair and holding his hand forward to Chang Wook for a handshake after an hour of discussion. They shake hands and I close my notes. Suddenly the CEO breaks the silence and speaks, "Mr. Jeon, may I have a talk with your assistant in private, if you don't mind?"

 Jungkook frowns and looks at me with a confused expression but still replies, "Yes, sure Mr. Chang. I'll wait for-" I cut him in the middle of his sentence. "I'm sorry Mr. Chang, we have nothing to talk in private. If you want to say something you can may in it in front of Mr. Jeon." I speak with some wrath which was somehow contained within me for a whole hour.

"Please y/n. You know it's important for me to talk to you. You have to hear me out." He says, trying to make me comply to his demands. "Do you guys know each other?" Jungkook asks turning his head from him to me in perplexity. 

"Yes, we do-" Chang Wook tries to speak but I contradict him, "No we don't. I don't know him and there's nothing left for us to talk. If it's all then let's leave now." I raise my voice as some tears sprung to my eyes involuntarily.

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