7. Jamboree

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We enter the party venue together once all the members arrive with their dates. Out of the seven idols, only Jungkook, Hoseok, and Taehyung are the ones accompanied by their assistants as their dates, while the others were with some familiar female idols from the same company, most probably because their assistants were male.

Everyone is looking appealing as hell but since Jungkook is the one I was in charge of, he is looking a little extra hot to me, keeping the cuteness of his bunny smile aside for a moment.

While everyone is busy complimenting each other,  Namjoon greets other people on behalf of us all, being the epitome of an exquisite leader that he is.

 Suddenly, Jimin approaches me, leaving his company for today behind with her friends and greets me, "Hey y/n, look at you, shining like the star of this event. It's the first time I see you in something else other than your formal office attire. Don't take it the wrong way, but I must say, you are looking pretty alluring."

I shyly thank him, "You're too looking handsome as usual, Mr. Park." I compliment him in return, stating nothing else but facts. After all, who wouldn't drool on Park Jimin and that too when he's dressed like a Disney prince.

A few seconds later, I notice Jungkook standing beside me looking at me but simultaneously glaring at Jimin. I frown in confusion and asks him, "Is everything alright, Mr. Jeon?" He looks at me and frowns. "No, it's not. I agree that you're looking all sexy and hot, but that doesn't mean you'll let Jimin hyung stick to you and dump me aside. Have you already forgotten that you're my escort tonight?" He speaks and pouts cutely, his expression and words resembling two far away shore that never meet.

I smile while dealing with the blush approaching my cheeks as a result of his comment. 

"It's not like that Jungkook. I just believe in complimenting beautiful women when I lay my eyes on them and as you just stated, she looks smoking hot. She deserves a compliment." Jimin speaks in my behalf.

"Hyung, can you please stop getting on my nerves and leave us alone. I insist." Jungkook begs for peace. "What's wrong with this kid tonight? Alright, I'm leaving, you brat!" Jimin ironically spits at him and goes to another perfectly-proportioned lady, possibly an idol and compliments her.

I chuckle at his natural flirty behaviour while Jungkook asks me, "Shall we have some drinks? If you're comfortable with alcohol, of course."

 I glance at him and answer, "Aren't you the one who is going to drive today? You gave the driver a few days off and as you know, I can't drive without bumping into a person, or two." I grin at my own bitter but true words while he chuckles back and says, "Alright, No drinking tonight. Let's go meet some people around and eat until our stomach bloats." He says and drags me to the food counter. Smart guy knows his priorities!

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