21. Tadow

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Jungkook celebrates his birthday at 12, the party being organized by Joon. 

The couple, none other than Jungkook and y/n, kisses in front of the entire crowd, thinking that nobody has their eyes on them. What they miss is Namjoon sharp glare focused right on them.

 y/n meets her best friend and this is right where spice enters the story, I presume ;)

(For the title, It's because that's the only thing that came to my mind when I saw the pic above😩)


"I'll try to be back in an hour, Kookie. You could leave once you get ready, I'll meet you at the hotel itself, okay?" I inform Jungkook, putting my block sandals on.

"You don't have to go get a dress. Actually," He hesitates, his larynx bobbing up and down, while his coal eyes flicker between both of mine. An action clearly excluding his hesitation. 

"I, actually, got you a dress. So, if you want you can, maybe, wear that tonight." He sounds pretty unsure and looks into my eyes, searching for a sign of rejection. "But that's only if you want to. It's not important, you know." He assures cutely.

I smile at his silliness and wrap my arms around his neck, standing on my toes to peck his nose. "Gosh! You're cute. Why'd I not like a gift you bring for me? You're literally the walking epitome of a fashionista!" I flash a grin at the now smiling man.

"So show me." I demand in an eager voice.

"Come with me." He takes a hold of my hand and pulls me to his closet with him.

"You can get dressed in your room. I'll be there once I'm done." He hands me a paper bag from an expensive brand but I take it willingly, not wanting to object and upset him on this day.

"Thanks Kookie. Why were you so nervous about it, though?" I ask, eager to figure it out. He sighs as a response and wraps his arms around my waist.

"You're really eager to know?" He asks and I nod almost immediately.

"You'll think of me as an immature kid after I reveal this so, brace yourself." He offers a smile when I chuckle and nod as a reply .

"So," He clears his throat and continues. "I've not been into a good number of relationships but in the few I have been, I was always considered too childish to my partner's liking because of my preferences and wants. I just don't want you to grow sick of me. So I'm scared you'll get annoyed because of me." He forces a smile when I let out a genuine laughter at his stupid assumptions.  

God knows where these thoughts come to his dumb head?

"First of all, being childish and being annoying are two completely different things and even if I agree that you're a grown up baby," I grin when a scowl grown on his adorable face. "It doesn't mean that I find you immature in any way. It simply means that I adore you even more when you stick around me like a little kid, throwing tantrums everywhere and gazing at me with those cute, shiny eyes of a toddler." I caress his rising cheeks and smile myself.

But his expressions fade a little the next instant. "But you do assume me to be a baby, right?" He sticks to the topic, frowning. 

"Oh god! You can't be serious about this!" I huff out a stained laughter. "How do you expect me not to?" My voice comes out a little too shrill than what I expect.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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