Chapter 4; LA

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Shinobu Kocho

Mitsuri was quiet for almost all of the weekend. She went to work on the project with Obanai, but then she would just come home quiet. We were both in the dorms, chilling, but Mitsuri looked upset.

"Mitsuri, is something wrong?" I asked her.

"I just...I thought we were besties!" She wailed. I sighed.

"Of course we are besties."

Then why did you tell Giyu we weren't?"

"I didn't tell him we weren't besties! I was just confused!"

"So...what's going on with you and Tomioka anyway?!"

"Absolutely nothing." I muttered, still sleepy from the call last night.

"You're tired." Mitsuri observed. State the obvious.

"Just calling Tomioka about our project." I regretted saying that as soon as Mitsuri jumped up from her seat.

"You woke up late?! For Giyu!? You never stay up late!" She shrieked.

"I did it for the project! Now, Mitsuri, I need to visit my sister today for my project. I promise we can do whatever you want after that." I said, grabbing my car keys. I ran out of our dorm and then unlocked and sat inside my car, breathing slowly.

"Kanao...I'm coming."


To be honest, our house was a two hour drive away. I made sure I had all my necessary equipment before leaving. Kanao was in the driveway as I pulled up to our rickety driveway. I leapt out of the car and ran to embrace her.

"Kanao!" I shrieked as I hugged her tight.

"Shhhhhhhh! Mom and dad don't know you're here. Just get it over with!"

I grabbed my shots, taking a few blood samples, not enough to even make her feel affected of course.

"Kanao! Get in here!" Oh no, mom and dad. They opened the front door and then stared at me, dumbfounded. Then their faces turned into ones of fury

"I promise, I'll come back as soon as possible." I said. Kissing her on the cheek, I got in my car and drove off.

"Shinobu Kocho! Get back here!" My parents yelled. I didn't care. At all. I just backed out of our stupid driveway and to Giyu's house as soon as possible.


"Shinobu?" Giyu was standing there, confused.

"I got the blood sample." I said breathlessly.

"Really?" He asked. Taking it and examining it, he then looked at me.

"You should get some sleep. I'll drive to the lab."

I couldn't complain. After the phone call with Giyu, I just ate some breakfast, prepared my supplies, and headed to Kanao's place. I didn't sleep at all.

"I'm driving. Besides, it would cause a lot less disaster." He said firmly. As I settled in the front seat, I fell asleep instantly.


"Shinobu..." I opened my eyes to see Mitsuri standing over me.

"You fell asleep on Giyu's car?" She shrieked.

"I was just exhausted." I grumbled. Remembering I had promised Mitsuri a girls day, I remembered I had already broken that promise, but Mitsuri didn't really care by this point.

"Why didn't you tell me you're dating?" She asked, her eyes wide with shock.

"Giyu and I have absolutely nothing going on!" I snapped. Suddenly, Giyu turned around from his work and stared while Mitsuri put her hands on her mouth in shock.

The Prestigious School of Medicines (and Heartbreaks) *A Shinogiyuu book*Where stories live. Discover now