Chapter 10: The Jeopardy Games

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Shinobu Kocho

My heart was pounding. Giyu wrapped his hand around my shoulder and I leaned in. The other contestants had already been eliminated. We were only lucky that Mr. Yuri was extremely impressed with our presentation and decided to put us in round three. This meant rounds one and two was already cleared for us. I sat on the bench, waiting. My fingers instead of going to my wrist twisted the purple butterfly ring on my hand.

"...and lastly, Giyu Tomioka and Shinobu Kocho!" The person announced. I stood up, my feet nearly collapsing under me. Sweat beaded my forehead.

"We're going to be okay." Giyu said. I nodded, swallowing. My entire life's dream depended on my success in this round. And the next. If we made it to the final round.

"Let's review the rules. This is a game similar to jeopardy, but not quite. Someone chooses the category, question number, and then you have 45 seconds to press the buzzer. If you press it, you have ten seconds max to answer the question. After that, you can't buzz until the next question. Of course, we also are doing partner buzzing so if you buzz, you or your partner can answer. Whoever had the most points wins! Kocho and Tomioka! Why don't you start us off?"

I looked at Giyu. He glanced briefly at me before saying, "Animals, 500."

"Ah! Going big, huh? What is the smallest animal currently alive that is not microscopic?"

I immediately buzzed. "What is an Etruscan shrew." I said proudly.

"Correct! Let's continue to the next question." My fingers trembled every time I hit the buzzer, but they slowly lessened as I continued to get the questions right. After completely destroying the other teams, the round was done.

"And as a surprising winner,  Tomioka and Kocho!"

"Shinobu, I know you want to win, but remember that I exist." Giyu said, slightly amused.

"O-o-oh! Sorry!" I said, my fingers automatically sliding into his. I tried not to feel the pounding in my chest. Giyu smiled brightly (it wasn't as ugly as the rumors say) and I I subconsciously moved closer to him.

"Tomioka and Kocho, you will step aside to the bench for now. The next two rounds will determine your competitors. See you soon!" The announcer said. We stepped aside and went to the backstage to sit. We couldn't see the commotion, but we could hear the voices loudly.

"Next round to determine who is going against Tomioka and Kocho...Cyrus and Grande, Bieber and Rodrigo, and Sheeran and Swift!" Soon, they were already starting and the buzzers were going off nonstop. The questions were high difficulty. Wow, these people were good.

"Don't be intimidated by them." Giyu said. I nodded. I felt more and more nervous. I needed something to distract me. Perfect time to tease him.

"Giyu. Do you get intimidated by me?" I asked. He smiled briefly and I looked at him.

"Sometimes." He said.

"So, I'm a good influence on you, your savior, and I intimidate you? Wow, I should start making a list. Thank goodness you stopped talking to the floor. Another reason why I'm a good influence on you." I joked.

"Really? And what am I to you, Shinobu?" Giyu said. I blanked out, then laughed nervously.

"Talking back Giyu? My, haven't you become social." I said. Why did he want to know? Did he want to kill me or something? I didn't want to answer.

"Answer the question." He said quietly. I gulped. Um, what? I glanced into his dark blue eyes and my mouth unhinged and didn't stop talking. Shut up mouth!

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