Chapter 9; Back to College

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I'm sorry if u wanted more Tsutako or Kanae time but I ran out of ideas and I just had to timeskip. I found a new talent. Any writer can understand that writing a book can let you drift off for a while and you end up typing for two hours and not noticing. Ending up only writing a chapter. Well, I wrote the last chapter 30 mins tops. That's prob why it's so bad.

Shinobu Kocho

We had one week to study left. I wasn't going to fail this. My life was dependent on this dream. But something kinda held me back.


I got this weird feeling around him whenever we studied, and I didn't really know why. It was like I don't really want to leave the school. I had friends, a life, and I was doing fine here. Most of all, Tomioka made me feel happier and less sad. I wrapped my hand around the scar on my wrist. It was my anchor point whenever I felt distraught. Letting me know my dream, and not to go astray.

"Shinobu?" Giyu looked at me in complete confusion. We were in class, and our teacher was droning about something I already knew. I leaned my head on his shoulder. It felt so right. And so wrong.

I heard giggling at the back, and turned around. Mitsuri and Obanai were watching us. They didn't say anything, but Mitsuri's face clearly said that she was thinking of something.

Turning around, I felt Giyu grabbing my hand. Now I heard whispering. But I didn't care. It felt right. And wrong.

The bell dismissed us from this hell of a class, and I strolled to the library to study. Giyu said he was going to be talking to Benny to see if he knew anything. I felt a cold hand grab my wrist. The one with the scar.

I turned around and saw rainbow eyes. He had light, messy white blonde hair, and his canine teeth were awfully sharp. He stared at me eerily. I shook myself out of my thoughts.

"What are you doing?" I tried to shake my hand out of his grip and couldn't. He smiled creepily. Every part of me screamed danger! Danger! But I couldn't move. It was like he had frozen me.

"My name's Douma." He said, baring his teeth.

"Okay...and why should I care?" I asked angrily, trying to jerk my hand out.

"Because you're future husband is right here." He tried to wrap his hands around my waist and I screamed.

"Get off me you creep!" I screeched. No one looked at me, or they just stared at the floor, too scared to do anything.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed Douma's hand and I looked up.

"Get your hands off her." Giyu said. I backed off as soon as Douma's hand wasn't on my wrist.

"I don't think it's your business what I'm doing." Douma snarled back. Douma was at least six feet, and towering, but Giyu just glared daggers at him as he tightened his grip on Douma's arm.

"Get away from me you social recluse." Then Douma stalked off. My knees went weak, and someone caught me. Giyu.

"Are you okay? Mitsuri ran to me and told me what happened." He carried me on his back and I whacked him.

"It's fine! Let me down! I need to go to the library!" I said.

"Don't overwork yourself." Giyu said stiffly. I froze.

When I was younger, I'd spend nights up to one to study to leave the stupid house. All I wanted was to be a scientist who could cure people. It would help if I did get a lot of money. That intern gave me both. I didn't need love. I didn't need time for myself. As long as it was something that would help me get to my goal, I would do it.

The Prestigious School of Medicines (and Heartbreaks) *A Shinogiyuu book*Where stories live. Discover now