Luckiest girl in the world

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Yesterday, Sunday, could have been the best day of my life. It was perfect. When we played tag. I ran into newt I don't know how it all happened but newt kissed me. ME! I feel warm and fuzzy inside. It all happened so fast. He kissed me and then we heard Thomas coming over and without saying anything we got up and ran. But when he kissed me, I don't even know how to explain it. I get out of bed, still going over our kiss over and over. I sigh. I have to focus. Time for school. I try to wear something cute, I'm going to see newt today! What should I say. Wow, I'm stressing out and I haven't even seen him yet!
I run down the steps and check in the bathroom mirror to make sure I look okay. I curled my hair, blue high waisted skinny jeans, a pink long sleeved shirt that has round holes on the elbows, black vans, a blue neckless and my leather bracelets of corse. I eat my normal breakfast, a fruit smoothie and throw on my jacket and a winter scarf. It's been really cold outside lately. I run out the door as I see the bus pulling onto my street. Our neighbor hood is a little weird, half of us take one bus half take the other. So even though Teresa is in my neighborhood she doesn't ride my bus. The bus pulls up to my stop. I fix my hair one last time and step in. When I get to the back seat newt isn't there. He must be driving to school today. The bus ride is long and boring especially with out newt. I almost run out of the bus. I have to see newt, or should I avoid him. Will it be to awkward? I slow my pace as I walk up to my locker, I open it with ease and empty my book bag. I sigh. I've never been so nerves and excited on a Monday before. I grab my stuff for math first period and my books for science, I will come back for another round before third. I come into class early and set down my books. It's almost completely empty. There's no Teresa, no Thomas, obviously no Minho because he not in this class and most importantly no newt. I walk out of the class and into the library, sometimes our gang hangs out there before class. I walk in and see them all siting at a round table laughing about something "hey! Y/n!" Minho yells "come here!"
"SHHHHHH!!!" The librarian scream whispers. I giggle and walk across the room. My eyes find newts right away and I pull up a chair between newt and Minho. "Hey guys! What's up?" I say. Still really wanting to stare at newt."we're playing truth or dare" Thomas says. I laugh "ok, who's turn is it" I ask. "Yours I guess" Teresa says. "Ok" I say. "Truth or dare" Teresa asks. "Uhhhh, dare" I say grinning. "Ok" she says smiling at her thought. "Kiss newt". No. No,no no no no no no no. Oh great! I was trying to be all cool about whatever we had, but now? It was a dare. I couldn't just back out. He is now standing up and I'm wondering if he will think anything of it. "Ok...." I say, trying to be cool about it. I stand up. I put my hands on his shoulders lightly. He pulls me closer, and i feel butterflies in my stomach and my heart pounding. He places his hands on my waist. I know I'm shaking but he doesn't seem to notice and it's him who closes the small gap between us. I embrace the smell of fresh grass and a warm summer breeze. His hands slowly travel to my face. I forget that I'm in a library at a new school. I forget that all my new friends are probably staring at us mouths open wide, and most importantly I forget all the bad things that happen to me and bully's and x-boyfriends. I'm thinking about now, right now. "Ummm..... Guys" I here Thomas's voice saying in the background of my dreamworld . I snap to reality and pull away. I breath heavily, and I see Minho smirking. "What was all that?" Thomas says with this giant silly grin on his face. "What?" I say nonchalantly putting my hands in my pockets. "Yeah" newt backs me up. " it was a dare,what did you expect..... Me to BACK OUT" I give a fake laugh. Almost immediately I put my head down and walk back to my seat. They definitely didn't buy it. I look up and Teresa gives me a wink and I sit down. "Sooooooo" newt says trying to break the ice. "You" Teresa says pointing to me. "What, I just we-" "you said you wouldn't back out of a dare. I dare you to sit here alone and talk with newt." I cross my arms "what if I pick truth" "just do it" she says walking away half dragging Minho and Thomas behind her, and it's just me and newt sitting at a table, and there's no one,
Else around.😏

Does he like me. Does he like me not.
We are sitting at a table, alone. "Soooooo" he says pretending to check out his shoes. "Yeah....." I say looking down. There is a long pause. "Okay" he says looking up. "Let's not make this more awkward than it has to be, we kissed" "twice" I correct him with a small smile. "Twice" he agrees. "And it was good" he says slightly unsure of what I'm going to think. I nod approvingly. "So I wanted to say it, you probably already figured it out but I really like you" he looks straight into my eyes. I smile. "Good" I say."I like you too" and that's when the bell rings. "Can you do me a favor?" He asks. "Sure" I say willingly. "Let's not tell them" referencing to our friends. "I don't wanna make it awkward" I nod, and we walk off to class, and sit down in math. I'm pretty sure that my heart is about to explode. We all sit together and I think, Thomas complementing me, Minho making me laugh, Teresa making sure me and newt can get together because she knows that's what I want, and newt, he's done so much for me, he gave me all these amazing friends and been so kind to me. I'm so grateful for these guys I look at all of my new friends and think, wow, I'm really the luckiest girl in the world.

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