The not so new girl

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I woke to the sound of rain on my roof. Uggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Today was supposed to be the day that I was to go on a date with my friends. They all had someone that they were bringing, either as a friend or something more. I assumed we were all going to basically bring each other because we really all just knew each other. It was Thomas's idea so I was guessing he wanted us to meet someone.
I was bringing newt and he was bringing me but we had noodles about who everyone else was bringing. When we got to the coffee shop down town I noticed a girl I had never seen before with Thomas. Teresa wasn't there and Thomas hadn't seen me and newt. I asked newt if he would get my coat from the car parked just outside. He said yes of corse. Who is this girl? What are they talking about? I have to find out. Luckily I had taken an art class at my old school and we had taken a small unit on disguises, it was kind of easy so when gally started beating me up I had a reasonable disguise that I always carried with me. Eventually he caught on and I gave up on that, hopefully Thomas won't catch on. I stepped in the hallway quickly and pulled open my purse. Fake clip in pink hi-lights, sunglasses, scarf that is pulled over my mouth and I'm set. I walk over and sit at the table next to them, Thomas doesn't seem to notice. "I can't wait for them to meet you" he says, the girl says something that I don't catch and he responds grabbing her hand "don't worry they will love you, besides there my best friends, they will accept you being my girlfriend" I stand up and walk away I don't want to here anymore. I walk quickly to the hallway and take off all my stuff and shove it in my purse. I quickly text Teresa.
Me: when u get there don't walk in wait outside
Teresa: what? Why?
Me: I'll tell you when you get there.

This is really going to hurt Teresa because of her enormous crush on Thomas, I have to warn her! I see newt walk in and quickly pull him aside. "Newt" I put my hand on his shoulder "yeah" he says mocking my voice tone. I breath in dramatically "I need to wait outside for Teresa because Thomas is with his new girlfriend and Teresa has a huge crush on Thomas and i need to warn her so she doesn't brake down when she walks in and has a warning that it's coming so I need you to go sit with them and say I'm getting stuff from the car and stall until I get there" I say quickly. He nods and starts to walk away then turns back around "WAIT A SEC" he says grinning "Teresa LIKES Thomas" he says looking like he is going to explode "yes, you can't tell anyone" "I called it!!!" He says and throws his arms in the air "YES!!!! Minho owes me ten bucks!" He half screams then run in excitedly. I see Teresa's car pull up and her and Minho jump out I run over to her and stop her as Minho walks in "Teresa. Ummm...... Thomas is here with....... Well........ His.. Girlfriend" I say spitting out the last word like its vial. I can see the happiness deflate from her face like a balloon. "I'm so sorry" I tell her. "It's ok" she says. She doesn't look ok. I hug her for what feels like eternity. "Come on" I say "we have to go in eventually" she nods. I feel bad doing this to Thomas I really want to like her for him. He is great and he deserves to be happy, but..... Doesn't Teresa deserve it too? We walk inside the girl is facing the other way. "Hey" Thomas says waving for us to come over. I am about to sit down when the girl turns around and I see her face for the first time and I'm stopped dead in my tracks.
His new girlfriend is Brenda.

I feel myself loosing my breath. Brenda, his date is Brenda. The next thing I know I'm on the ground with the four of them standing over me. My breath is slowed now and Thomas helps pull me up."sorry guys I don't know what got into me, weird dream thing" I say and they all go to hug me I close my eyes when I open them I have a clear view at Brenda. It wasn't a dream. My breath stops and I stare for about 20 seconds. The rest of them let go and watch our staring contest. Thomas opens his mouth like he's about to say something but I don't let him. I shake my head and I feel tears building up in my eyes and I run out the door shaking. I'm fast, fast for a group that all do cross country too, plus I have a head start. This place is surrounded by a forest. I run for a wile. Hopefully enough to loose them. When I finally stop I have run about two miles and I don't see anyone anywhere so I do the only thing I can think of. I sit down and lean against the tree nearby and cry. I cry for what feels like hours but is probably only minutes. I can't believe Thomas would date ........ Brenda! I feel black dots dancing through my vision and I lay all the way down and let the darkness pull me under. I can't hold on any more.

3 hours later:

WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!! I've let my opinions cloud the fact that this is Thomas, I need to be happy for him no matter what. I am awake and I hear movement next to me but I won't let anyone know I'm awake.
"Hey guys she's awake!"
Great job y/n.
I open my eyes to see four faces huddled over me. They all look worried and our surroundings have changed from the woods to newts house, from the ground to a bed.
"Y/n what happened!" Minho asks. I don't answer I look down at my shoes and back at them biting my lip.
"Hey, it's ok" newt says sitting down and wraps his arm around me. I don't move and he stands back up.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" Teresa asks. I sigh sadly, and give them there first clue but I won't talk, not yet. I lift up my wrist and pull off my bracelet and then the other. I slowly reach for newts hand and hold open his empty palm and drop the pieces of leather in his hand.
It was her.
was her.

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