Chapter 1

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Claire sits at the back of a dim classroom tapping her pen quietly on her desk, her head perched on her hand. The teacher drones on putting some of the students to sleep. Claire yawns and nearly drifts off when she is jolted awake by the incessant ringing of the school bell. Everyone walks out of the door and into the hallway where pushing and shoving is frequent. Getting through high school is like an obstacle course every person in front of you is just an object in your path, momentarily obscuring your view of the finish.
Thomas runs around his new school confused as all hell when he suddenly spots a girl, I mean he can clearly see many girls but this girl in particular sitting near the door of a classroom intrigued him. It was at this moment that Thomas decided to make a complete fool out of himself in front of, as he perceived the most beautiful girl he had ever met. Thomas struts over to the girl, slightly nervous head full of teenage hormones and confusion. Upon strutting over to this gem of a girl a foot kicks out right in front of him and trips him, right onto the girl. She lets out a scream of surprise Thomas had fallen into her lap he was now trying desperately to get up scraping around on the floor now realizing he dropped his glasses he found them, slightly cracked just great. He runs away now face red as a ripe tomato with embarrassment, anywhere to get away from there.
Christopher watches and laughs a bit as the new kid stumbles away. Chris has always been a bit keen on pranks and jokes and there was never a better joke than a new kid.
"Always so easy these new kids are, they take everything so serious." Chris whispers to himself.
Alas Christopher is still in school and must get to his next class in order to keep his record for perfect attendance. So Chris walks happily to his ELA class to continue pleasing every teacher in the school with his intelligence and ability to exceed most others in his class.
Johnny sits at the front of his math help class patiently awaiting the lesson for today (which is a continuation of yesterdays lesson) believe me the lesson could take as long as it wanted for in John's eyes math is an extremely difficult and highly boring concept. Johnny would rather be surfing or kicking around a soccer ball. With the teacher droning on Jonhny soon starts to feel drowsy and soon he drifts off to sleep. Jonhnny feels someone poking him, it's his teacher Mrs. Nancy. "Sleeping in my class is not permitted and you know that John."
"Well maybe if your class wasn't so boring then I wouldn't fall asleep." Johnny replied gruffly.
The class "ohhhs"
Mrs. Nancy is fed up and says "Detention to you John and anyone else who has something to say." The class falls silent. Johnny takes his detention slip with a scowl on his face.
Claire sits near the door of her next class and scowls at the boy who fell on her and didn't even apologize. How rude of him she thinks to herself. Looking at the clock and seeing that she has plenty of time she decides to get up and confront this rude boy before he can get away.

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