Chapter 6

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Thomas is the second person to walk into the elevator after Johnny he is quiet not only because of his nature but because of all the voices from thoughts going through his head. Claire frustrated because of Johnny, Johnny thinking of what's next and Chris foolishly clearing his mind as if Thomas doesn't already know his secrets. The mind of Chris at the moment is the only one Thomas doesn't care about reading with the others it just feels like an invasion of privacy. Chris is worried about something and Thomas knows it has to do with his ability to read minds. What's Chris got to hide? Thomas wonders.
Thomas thinks it best to control his powers so he focuses energy onto his own mind allowing himself to relax and stay in his own mind, after this he will have to learn how to hone in on others thoughts.
The elevator goes up for a few more minutes before it arrives on the top floor with a bing Chris bolts out glad to be away from the suffocating elevator. He looks to see that time is still stopped and so he walks home as he lives in close proximity to school. Then something in his mind tells him he must go back to the school it was Claires voice "*It seems we have telepathy and so we can talk to eachother with our minds*" says Claire "*I think we should go back to the detention room*" says Thomas "* maybe time will start up again.*" "*ugh, detention but yeah I agree and then Chris can use his power to get us out.*" says Johnny. Chris feels happy that Johnny mentions him it feels good to be a part of something, to be useful.
Johnny walks in the building making no noise as this seems to be a normal thing that happens when time stops. He has a jump in his step as he thinks about all the cool stuff he can do with powers. They all finally get to the detention room and time finally unpauses. They sit there quietly until Mr. F returns when he does Johnny says telepathically "*Chris use your power.*" Chris nods and get's up, "We can leave detention now." says Chris "Well yes you certainly can." says Mr. Fergison They all get up and leave. Chris holds a smug look on his face and Johnny walks over to him and messes up his hair, "Good job!" he says and they high five. He waves Thomas and Chris off as they go to walk home and then he notices Claire sitting on a bench.

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