Chapter 3

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Claire follows closely behind the tall detention kid who seems like he knows what he is doing but they soon come across an opening under the stairs. She gulps and thinks oh hell no this is some horror movie shit. At that moment Claire was ready to run for the hills but everyone moves forward so she rolls her eyes and thinks these idiots well I guess that makes me an idiot too because I am following them. She follows them down the steps holding on to Thomas's back as the tall dude swings his arms in front of them to smack away the cobwebs. Claire had never before witnessed a staircase this creepy before. The staircase was dimly lit but she could barely see anything Chris slips and everyone catches him but he picks up himself the rest of the way and scowls obviously still angry about earlier oh his poor wittle nose thinks Claire he deserved it. After the feeling of walking forever they make it to a door and they spot a florescent light shining brightly under the door.
Thomas looks at the door but was still thinking about how Claire was holding onto his back the whole time her breath hot on his neck he shakes his head and pushes his boyish fantasies away the tall kid opens the door and they walk in. Mechanical sounds can be heard and there was a hum filling the metal room, a generator? Welcome states a robotic voice, here watch this informative video about why you are here. The video plays in black and white and explains that they were all brought together for a reason, to be "Freaks" Thomas winces at that word first day at highschool an already people think I am a freak. Being a "freak" in their case meant getting powers that best suited their persona. Soon metal doors creak open revealing tanks walk into these tanks and your power will be chosen from there you can discover your power and come back tomorrow to receive your first task states the robotic voice. "Oh hell no I am not walking into a tank in the creepy basement of a school this has horror movie written all over it." Claire exclaims. "Yeah I kinda agree." says Thomas. "You are just agreeing cause you like her." says Chris "I do not." says Thomas. "Do too." says Chris. "Can you shut up and listen I say we walk into these tanks and give it a shot this is our one chance in life to see if something cool is gonna happen let's take this chance." says the tall kid. "We don't even know your name." says Claire "Does it matter?" asks Christopher "Uh yeah it kinda does." replies Claire. "Fine my name is Johnny." "Claire." says Claire. "Chris." says Christopher. "Thomas." says Thomas. "Alright guys now that we know eachother on a first name basis let's walk in those tanks." says Johnny.

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