Chapter 5

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Chris sits in his own mind clearing out his thoughts like a kid who cleans out their phone before a parent looks on it, Thomas of all people can read minds. Why did he jinx himself of course someone was bound to get the power to read minds. Why Thomas? "Well Chris to answer to answer your question the machine did say it would pick powers based off of our personas." says Thomas. He's such a smartass thinks Chris. "I heard that." says Thomas "I know." says Chris.
Johnny sits wondering why they were still in the room when Thomas says "Because the doors closed behind us Johnny." "Can you stay out of my mind?!" yells Johnny. "Sorry," says Thomas "I can't control it yet." "Oh sorry." says Johnny "It's mmk." says Thomas.
Now that you have your powers you are on to your second task before you leave, find the the way out says the robotic voice suddenly making everyone jump slightly. "Okay." says Johnny getting up to take charge. "I say I should be the leader." "And just why is that?" asks Claire. "Because princess I am the oldest and I am more capable of leading." "No arguing there." says Chris. "You stay out of this!" yells Claire for once Chris shuts up. "I say we take a vote," says Thomas "all in favor of Johnny being the leader say 'I,'" Johnny and Chris say "I" "Alright this would mean we have a tie." says Thomas "Looks like we should co-lead cupcake." says Johnny in a teasing manner. "Fine." says Claire.
Okay thinks Claire one thing's for sure, Johnny is a jerk but I guess we have to figure out how to get out of here and we need his strength. "We first need to check the walls for weak points." says Claire "Check also to see if the wall is hollow." They all follow her order and she get's to work checking the walls too, she ends up near Johnny and while checking the walls his hand accidentally touches her's she pulls it away swiftly and walks away hiding her red face. "I think I found something!" says Thomas breaking the tension. They all go over to check. "Thomas or Johnny you think you could get the panel off?" asks Chris. "I can try." says Thomas. "Yeah." says Johnny. First Thomas unscrews the panel from the wall using his "crazy mind powers" then Johnny picks the huge panel up and places it down gently. Sure enough the area behind the panel housed what looks like an elevator. They press the button and the door opens, they all walk inside.

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