Chapter 4

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Chris gulps kind of regretting his decision to follow Johnny blindly into a tank that could very well be death, just plain death. Chris had his fears but he pushed them way deep down he had a lady to impress, though she is crazy there is no denying that girl is scorching. He watches as first Johnny walks calmy in then Claire speed walks in. His turn, he calmly as he can walks into the tank and sees it close which worries him but it didn't start filling with water which calmed him slightly. Then Thomas, that kid just got here and already Chris hated his guts Chris hated to admit it but he was slightly jealous of Thomas after all Claire clung to His back the whole time down the stairs and she stood up for Thomas, secretly Chris had a bit of a crush on Claire let's hope no one get's the power to read minds Chris thinks to himself.
Johnny stands calmly in the tank,he is not afraid he's learned in life that fear holds you back. So he stands and watches in silence as the other three are scanned along with himself by a green light. There was a beep and suddenly the tanks opened. That was it? Maybe they weren't supposed to get powers. "Yeah maybe we weren't supposed to get powers like Johnny said." said Thomas. They all turned to look at him. "Johnny didn't say anything." Claire says. "Are you sure?" says Thomas "I heard him clear as day." "Did you say anything Johnny?" asks Chris. "No," says Johnny "but I thought it."
Everyone gasps and looks at Thomas including Claire but then everyone seems to realize something she doesn't "Where's Claire?" asks Chris. "What are you talking about I am right here you bozo." she says and brings up her arm but she gasps she can't see it. "Well we can't see you." says Johnny. "I can't see myself either." mumbles Claire. "I am invisible." They all gasp in shock "Can you make yourself visible again?" asks Thomas. "I can try." she says. Claire focuses all her energy on being visible she imagines herself but she doesn't like her eye color so she changes them to blue thinking this will have no effect. "Well you are here but your eyes.." says Johnny "What about them?" asks Claire "Well they were brown before and now they are blue." says Thomas.
Thomas sits in the metal room with the rest of them looking at a penny he placed on the table staring at it, he doesn't stop until someone gasps because the penny was floating in the air and spinning. When he looks away it stops and lands on the table with a clink "Well looks like you can read minds and pick up things with your mind." says Chris. "Yes I can." says Thomas. But wait he didn't want to say that. "So Tommy here has the power over the mind Claire can change her visible form and become invisible, but what about Johnny and I?" he says as Johnny then picks up a table that was bolted to the floor just to pick up a penny. "I would say Johnny has super strength." Thomas says. Johnny looks up nods his head and smiles.
"But what power do I have?" Chris whines. "The power to be annoying?" says Claire who was sitting quietly in the corner messing with her powers. "Shut up." says Chris and suddenly Claire's mouth shuts. "Well," says Thomas "after some careful calculations I conclude that you have the power of manipulation." "Oh," says Chris "You can talk now Claire." and Claire then opens her mouth and scowls at Chris.

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