Split payment

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When they got to Best Buy, Olivia grabbed Pezzy's hand and rushed to the PC's.

"You'll have a better idea of which one I should get, and I want one that's in my price range." She was half-expecting Pezzy to let go of her hand when they got to the PC's, but he didn't.

"The main things you're looking for are a good CPU, GPU, motherboard, RAM, and storage. Those are the main things for gaming, along with those main ones you also want a good PSU, cooling system, and gaming peripherals." He began to read through some PCs that were in the price range. He finally stopped on one that was 1,200 dollars. He let go of her hand and read through the manual. Olivia looks at the price and her eyes go wide.

"I can't afford this one. Let's look at the cheaper ones-" She tried to pull Pezzy to the cheaper ones, but he was like a statue. "Pezzy, I can't afford this."

"I know," he grabbed one of the boxes that had the PC and together they walked to the checkout. "I'll pay for the rest of it," She stopped walking as soon as he said that, but quickly walked back up to him.

"No, you don't need to do that! I'll just get a cheaper one-" She tried to usher him to put it back but it wasn't working.

"I want to. It's better for you to have a higher-end PC," He set it down on the checkout counter.

"Is that it for you?" The cashier asked in a monotone voice.

"Yes, it is. And can we use split payment on this?" He asked, pointing to the PC.

"Yeah, of course. I just need both cards." He grabbed his card from his wallet and looked over to Olivia.

"Pezzy, you really don't need to. I can just get another one!" She held her wallet in her hand, not wanting to give him the card.

"If you don't give me the card I'll just pay for the whole thing," Pezzy said, holding his hand out. Olivia sighed and grabbed her card, setting it onto his hand. Pezzy then handed both of the cards to the cashier. After he scanned both the cards, he used a magnet-like thing to get rid of the security tag.

"Would you like a receipt?" He asked as he handed the cards back.

"Yes, thank you," Pezzy said, putting his card away and handing Olivia's card back to her. The cashier printed off the receipt and ripped it off of the printer, handing it to Pezzy.

"Have a nice day," The cashier said, waving them off. Pezzy grabbed the PC and the two left the store.

"You really didn't need to do that! I could've just gotten a cheaper one so I could pay for the whole thing," Olivia was arguing as she buckled into the seat.

"I don't care, I wanted to get you a better one so I paid for half of it. And plus, you still have some money left over to spend since the total was halved." Pezzy started the car and began to drive home.

"Yes, and I get that. But still, that's a lot of money! You worked hard for that and you're just wasting it on me."

"Hey, I am not wasting my money on you." Pezzy was stern with his words. "I am more than happy to spend money on you. The reason you're even in this car is that you want help with fixing your life, and this can help. Yes, I spent quite a bit of money on it, but it's worth it! Money is renewable, but your health isn't." He softened his voice. "I love you, Livia, I love you so much. Let me do this little thing for you," He gently placed his hand on her thigh and rubbed it with his thumb. Olivia grabbed his hand and held it.

"I love you too," She lifted his hand and kissed it before letting go of it again. His hand returned to the wheel but bounced back and forth between the wheel, her hand, and her thigh.

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