Some wanted democracy; Others a Communist state (Side Story)

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*sighs* Well, here goes nothing...
(This is Singapore's View, takes place in 1963)

When I was still with Malaysia, I would always look forward to having rainy days. Whenever it rained, he would always pluck a leaf off the banana trees near by and we would run in the rain together, holding the banana leaf above us so that we wouldn't get drenched. 

There was one time, when we were walking home while it was raining. The rain was so heavy, to the point we could not see the road ahead clearly!

"Malaysia, the leaf is slanted."

"It's not!"

I knew something was up. "The leaf is slanted towards me!" Malaysia didn't say anything.

When we arrived home, he was completely drenched. When I told him to go dry himself off, he asked me if I got drenched. I didn't. The leaf was slanted towards me, making it impossible for me to get wet. 

Just like that, whenever we came home in the rain, Malaysia would always be drenched.

I don't know if it was the rain, if it was just Malaysia and I, or if it was the banana leaf we would use. But for 2 years, whenever it rained, I would always look forward to running in the rain with him.

Eventually, things changed. We went our separate ways, only to see each other again in 1967, when ASEAN had to come to my house just to ask me if I wanted to join his family. 

It was raining that day, and we didn't have enough umbrellas. Although part of me still didn't fully forgive him yet, I knew I had to.

"Singa, the umbrella is slanted."

"It's not." I respond. 

When we arrived at ASEAN's house, I accepted the towel Malaysia handed me.

And I swore that I saw tears in his eyes. 

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