...merged as one

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August 9, 1965...
(Will be adding the lyrics of  the song "Willow Tree" since... OH MY GOD THAT SONG JUST DESCRIBES THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS SO ACCURATELY


You and me, hanging from the willow tree...

He still couldn't believe that what just happened was not a dream.

 ...Quietly, drifting in the open breeze...

He and Malaysia had trusted each other, they did everything together. But here he was, walking across the causeway that connected their lands. 

...Suddenly, the wind blows you away from me...

Singapore felt as though everyone was against him, his union with Malaysia had lasted for less than 23 months. There was noting connecting him to the rest of the world, except for the causeway he was crossing.

...Now, I see, we were never meant to be...

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