'Welcome to ASEAN, Brunei Darussalam.'

42 1 4

7th January, 1984

He heard scratching at the windowsill. 

When he looked out the window, he saw nothing. Except for what seemed to be the figure of a child. Out of curiosity, the Singaporean opened the window and saw the child just standing there, staring at him. Judging from his aura, Singapore knew he was another personification.

(In my AU, all the CHs have an aura so they can identify each other, in case anyone tries to, I don't know, impersonate them??? But just take note of that)

The country outside the window just stared at him, as is waiting for Singapore to make the first move.

"Who are you?"

The response was inaudible, but all Singapore heard was a name he faintly seemed to recall...

-----Flashback, 1967, 12 June-----

"So, we have an agreement?"

"We do. Although Malaysia may have quit this... plan, we can still try this."

"You're right, friends till the end?"


-----End of Flashback-----

"Singapore, right? We meet back in 1967?"

"We did. After all this time, I thought I would never have the chance to interact with you again, and yet, you're here..." 

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