Last Chapter

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So, I have decided to end the book here. 

What was originally going to happen was that I would write out when all the other ASEAN Members joined, but I have no idea on what to write. 

Will I do this for all other Southeast Asian countries? Maybe. It depends on Secondary School.

But here's an epilogue:


Whenever I am feeling low...

Singapore groaned. The fatigue of the day was starting to come down on him. 9th August, the day everything changed. On that day, exactly 58 years ago, he and Malaysia had gone their separate ways. The celebrations were great, watching the parade, singing "Shine Your Light" with all of his people as loud as possible, it was his definition of fun.

...I look around me and I know...

But now, the parade had ended, he was 58 years old and everyone was going home. As much as he wanted to wander around the area and enjoy the view of his island at night until the sun rose, there was a part of the citystate's mind telling him to go where everyone was going. Home. To be with their families.

...There's a place that will stay within me...

Singapore started walking towards the taxi stand at the near by mall, admiring the view as he strolled down the streets. The Flyer, Gardens by the Bay, the Merlion statue, the Art and Science Museum and so many more landmarks. 58 years. That's how long it took for him to get to where he was today.

...Wherever I may choose to go...

Upon arriving at the pick-up point at the Esplanade (It has a pick-up point, right?), he took out his phone and checked for any Taxis near-by. It was late at night, and that was enough to make taxis irritatingly scarce on the road. After what seemed like a few hours, a taxi finally arrived to take Singapore back to where he wanted to be. With his family.

...I will always recall the city...

"Where to?" the driver asked. After telling him the home address, Singapore leaned back on the car seat, staring out the window. A crescent moon was in the sky and next to it were five stars, forming an almost perfect circle. Just like my flag, the nation thought to himself.

...Know every street and shore...

"So, how was the parade?" The driver asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Well, it was nice, seeing everyone celebrating, of course." That was all he managed to say. It felt like the tiredness was about to take over him and he was fighting just to stay awake.

...Sail down the river which brings us life...

The driver stopped the car, Singapore got off. He was so close yet so far from his loved ones. Every step of the walk to his door seemed to drain his energy more than anything else but he kept walking on. Just you wait everyone, Singapore thought to himself, I'm coming home.

...Winding through my Singapore...

After searching around for his keys and opening the door, he expected to see everyone waiting for him at the living room with some kind of birthday surprise planned out for him. But to his own surprise, all the lights in the house were turned off. Everyone had gone to bed.

...This is home, truly...

Making his way to his room, Singapore was greeted with the sight of absolutely no one in the room, or in the house at all, not even his own father ASEAN or his lover Brunei. Did they leave the house without me? He wondered, opening all the doors and checking all the rooms in the house in hope that he would be able to find anyone.

...Where I know I must be...

Heading towards the last room he had not checked yet, the young nation swore he heard some hushed comments coming from the other side of the door he was about to open. "Anyone?" he asked. No response. Must be my imagination... Singapore thought to himself.

...Where my dreams wait for me...

Opening the door slowly, something told his senses that someone was waiting for him. Gathering whatever energy he had left in his body, he pushed open the door and decided to let whatever was there do what it was supposed to do. And he was glad that "something" did what it was supposed to do.

...Where that river always flows...

Returning the hug that he was given by one of the people hiding in the room, Singapore managed to figure out what the family's plan was. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADIK!" "58 years, you've come a long way..." "Long live the Singapore Spirit!" All the things his family members were saying to him just made him want to hug them even tighter.

...This is home surely...

After a good amount of games, food and drinks in celebration of his birthday, everyone was ready to go to bed. Entering his room, Singapore knew one thing, today, he had turned 58 and tomorrow, he would officially be 58 years old, humming the last lines of the song to himself,
...As my senses tell me...
...This is where I won't be alone...
...For this is where I know it's home.

he managed to complete the verse before falling asleep.

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