♢Prologue #3 - Mingi♢

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"Come on Mingi! Faster!" Seokjin urged the taller boy, who was desperately trying to dodge the rocks that were flying at him.

The boy dodged as many as he could but missed one that ended up hitting him in the forehead, luckily for him, it was a small rock. Mingi heard his father sigh, and then come help him up from the ground.

"You have to be quick to succeed as the new orange witch," Seokjin lectured.

"If I was the orange witch I would have a shield and wouldn't have to dodge anything," the taller, but younger, grumbled.

"You have to be somewhat productive without your powers, Mingi," his father sighed.

Mingi huffed resulting in a laugh from his father. The boy was a gentle giant, around 6'1 but one of the sweetest people you would ever meet. He was kind and compassionate, making him a perfect fit for the powers of the orange witch. Jin had made sure to raise Mingi perfectly so that he could properly fit the role.

Mingi had started training at the young age of 7, and now, at age 17, he was ready to take the next step and take the powers from his father.

And Jin thought he was ready too.

The process was nerve-wracking for both Jin and Mingi. Jin had to learn to let his only child go and Mingi had to take on this large role. It was a rather quick process, faster and more simple than what Mingi had originally thought, all he had to do was hold his father's hand and watch the orange tentacle-like magic crawl down his father's arm and up his. Mingi fainted after that.


When he woke up, it was to the noise of his father speaking to multiple other people. His head hurt like crazy and his body ached. He staggered out of his bedroom and into the blinding sun to see who his father was talking to. Nobody normally came by the house.

They lived in the middle of the woods for a reason.

"Mingi!" His father smiled as he saw his son coming out from the front door. Mingi sped up slightly to reach where his father and the strangers were standing. "I want you to meet these people".

The tall boy took a minute to look at the people that were standing around. Two boys, around the same age as him, and two men that seemed older than Mingi but not too old, maybe late twenties or early thirties.

"This is Eden," his father said motioning to the man standing in the front. He seemed to be the oldest and the one in charge. "This is Maddox," he added, pointing to the man next to Eden. "Oh! And these two are Hongjoong and Yeosang!" His father finished. The two boys shyly waved at Mingi. Mingi nodded back at them and gave them a polite smile.

"Nice to meet you, Mingi," the man named Eden said, reaching his hand out for a handshake. It was an awkward one since Mingi isn't used to human interaction.

"These people work with the witches to train them and help them better their abilities, I reached out to them to see if they could help you!" Jin said excitedly. Mingi looked at him with uncertainty. "You would go stay with them for a little while they help you with your powers, then, when you come back you would have your powers mastered and be the perfect orange witch".

Mingi looked at his father in shock. He wanted him to go live with random people he didn't know while working on the abilities that he just got. Mingi wanted so badly to say no, but the people-pleaser in him forced him to nod his head and smile. He desperately wanted to make his father proud. Even if that meant leaving his comfort zone.


Two hours later, Mingi found himself with a bag packed and inside a plane. He was seated across from both of the boys.

"I'm Kim Hongjoong," the white-haired boy said. "I'm the white witch".

"Song Mingi," Mingi said in return. "Orange".

"I'm Yeosang, Kang Yeosang" The blonde boy said. "I'm the gold witch". Mingi noticed how quiet the boy was, he seemed to be the most shy out of the two of them, his voice was quiet but surprisingly deep.

"Welcome to the team Mingi," Hongjoong smiled. "I hope we can help you and be good friends". Mingi nodded back at him and mumbled a small thank you.

These people didn't seem too bad. Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as he thought.



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