Chapter 17 - Escape

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Wooyoung's grip tightened slightly around Yeosang as they lay on Wooyoung's bed. Yeosang, with no real choice in the matter, accepted it.

It's been over a month, he was starting to lose hope that his team would find him. They would have by now, right?

Wooyoung hadn't treated Yeosang horribly. It was just a lot of touching, kissing and hugging. He was never really able to walk anywhere on his own, Wooyoung took too much joy in pulling him around.

On the days when Yeosang was feeling rebellious, he would turn his head away when Wooyoung tried to kiss him. His attempts never did anything other than make the younger mad, but it was his way of proving to himself that he hadn't given in yet. Wooyoung would just grab his face and hold him down. Then he was annoyed the rest of the day, making him more rough with Yeosang. He got more violent when he was annoyed or angry, he'd grab him so hard it hurt.

As long as he kept Wooyoung happy, he was fine.

"You know, Yeosangie, I didn't have a good day, Seonghwa is trying to convince me to hurt you, don't worry I told him no, he thinks you have information. I told him that's not possible," he pauses and pets Yeosang's hair "You don't have any thought up here, I know you don't. Your head is only reserved for me, I'm all you think about."

Yeosang nodded, agreeing with Wooyoung, he knew deep down he had no choice but to keep Wooyoung happy. Just agree with him, it will save you pain.

"Of course, you agree with me, you always agree with me," Wooyoung said, smiling and continuing to pet Yeosang. "Seonghwa, Yunho and I do have to leave, though, we have something to do. You'll stay here, obviously, can't take you anywhere, you're too empty-headed."

Yeosang paid very good attention to what he was saying now. They were leaving, all three of them. It would be him, alone in the house.

A perfect opportunity to escape.

Wooyoung pulls away, gripping Yeosang's arm and pulling him up.

"Come on now, Seonghwa wants to have dinner with you today," he placed Yeosang on his feet and rubbed his hair. This was new, Yeosang was always kept in the room for meals.

Wooyoung reached out and grabbed Yeosang by the back of the neck. "Let's go, Seonghwa won't like it if you're late."

Yeosang was pulled to the dining room where Seonghwa and Yunho sat. There were three glasses of wine and four plates set up around the table. The dining room was fancy, lit up with candles and a large chandelier.

Yeosang was pulled to a chair and forced to sit.

He kept his eyes down, too scared to look anyone in the eye.

"Look at me, Yeosang," Seonghwa's cold voice spoke. The younger boy's head snapped up to look at the oldest witch.

Seonghwa smirked. "You are very pretty, Yeosang," he picked up his wine glass and took a sip. "I understand why Wooyoung wanted you for so long, pretty and obedient."

That did not feel right at all. The green witch's smooth voice sent chills down his spine. Seonghwa scared him.

"Well?" Yunho spoke up. "Aren't you going to thank him? He complimented you. Are your manners really that bad?"

Wooyoung looked at him and raised an eyebrow, expecting a response.

"Thank you," Yeosang mumbled. Seonghwa smiled at that. If you could call it that. It was a cold, emotionless smile that seemed to only mock him.

Seonghwa hummed. "He's like a pet, Wooyoung. Don't you think?" Seonghwa stared him down. "He just listens to everything you say."

Wooyoung frowned in thought, looking at Yeosang. "I guess he is, you're right."

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