CHAPTER 15 1/2: Small Talk

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         As Nya, Cole, and Kai gathered in the restroom to take care of business, the boys made small talk at the diner's table.
Lloyd couldn't help but roll his eyes at the other boy, letting a pretty audible huff to the blue dressed one's previous words. "They are jokes, Jay. I wouldn't think he'd go do that." Lloyd kept his eyes on the ginger, Zane shifted in his seat. "There could be a chance Kai isn't joking." he mumbled softly, Lloyd glared at Zane before he sighed, leaning back on his chair, taking a bite of the dumpling he grabbed.  Jay leaned his elbow onto the table resting his chin in his palm, "yeah, what Zane said. I mean- I've seen some things from him." The blue sweater wearing teen hinted, with a questioning and suspicious expression. "I don't know, just thoughts."  The idea of anything physical piqued in his brain, Lloyd leaned a bit forward as his eyes landed on Jay. "What do you mean things." he said, a bit sour in his own tone. "I've never seen anything like that. I get the panic attacks are one thing but he's never done anything that wasn't on accident." he tried to brush it off as that, seeming a bit unsure if he really wanted to know. The conversation earned Jay a slight glare from Zane, knowing somewhat what he was implying and didn't want to make the whole day trip ruined over a few words. The nindroid shook his head slightly when Lloyd looked down at his food, even though the other boy could still see it in the corner of his vision, Zane tried to keep Jay from continuing.  And that's just what happened. The two made eye contact as the boy dipped his head, Jay pulled himself back. "Ya know- like- not sleeping.. and stuff. All though pshhh that's just Kai!" He said in a not so convincing way, but he could read the nindroid's expression clear as day. "I'm sure he's just strange. I mean, hah, who else spend all that time on facial routines?" He joked before awkwardly looking back down.

There was a dead silence that had fallen between the three boys, Lloyd carefully took a bite out of the dumpling before speaking up. "It is kinda weird he does that," he said nodding. His eyes now moving up to look at the others once again. "even Nya doesn't do that."
Zane kept his stare on the ginger haired boy, giving a slight nod in hopes that it would be turned a bit down. Even if the three had fell to an awkward small talk, he assumed it would be better than the concerning comments made between the slight bickering. "Kai's Kai! Don't question his logic- that's what I've learned so far..." Jay gave a glance at Zane who was eyeing him harshly to shut his mouth. "He's just odd! Maybe from all the nights staying up he's fried his brain!" The ginger joked, trying to crack up laughter at the table. It got a soft snicker from Lloyd as he finally decided to chime in a couple of seconds later, "if that's the truth, then you're more fried than he is." He teased to Jay. The small grin appearing on his face slowly as he poked fun, "way more fried than Kai too!" Jay's jaw dropped dramatically at the tease the boy through out. "Am not! Zane, tell him my brain isn't friend!" He complained while crossing his arms with a theatrical pouty lip.
Zane looked back and forth between the two with a slight look of confusion, "your brain isn't fried. Neither is Kai's, though." he started, shifting in his seat as he thought of what to say. "To fry something is to cook it, it's more or less overworked, which definitely is causing some chemical balance because of the lack of sleep you both are doing." The explanation still got a small laugh from Lloyd, somewhat nudging jay's foot with his to add. "He agrees. You're totally brain fried" Jay scoffed and looked over at the nindroid who shrugged with a smile, he'd sided with the tyke.

"We'll see what Nya and Cole have to say when they get back. What's taking them so long anyways?" He tapped his finger's rhythmically on the table sounding like a horses galloping hooves. "I'm not rushing them. Something seemed off and maybe Nya wanted to speak with Kai on a private matter..." the eldest paused before eyeing Jay's fingers hit the table. "Or that she wanted the answers without everyone having to hear?" He suggested. "Though, I am a bit concerned because it should not take this long, in order to hear about the situation. " he sighed.
It was clear in the oldest's sigh that the worry was more deep than Jay had first figured. True, he was also concerned about the fiery natured teen. Kai was never really the type to wonder off and return *that* bloodied up, maybe it was overblown. One thing was for sure is that Lloyd looked displeased with the current situation, fiddling with chopsticks that rolled on the table. "I'm sure they'll be out soon enough. I think I saw Nya grab an aid kit. She's probably cleaning him up-" he muttered out, trying to ease the slow falling tension. And, in hopes to turn it around, Jay straightened his back out with a smile "What do you saw we get something more to snack on, while we wait? It'll be on me."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2024 ⏰

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