12. Enies Lobby

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Terenes POV:

I barely opened my eyes and I noticed I was now in the sea train. I was lied on the bench and realised I was handcuffed.

Then I noticed Nico Robin was sitting opposite me.
"Hi, we meet again." I smiled at her and slowly got up from my seat.

"How can you so calmed in the situation like this? You know we are captured by the government right?" She looked at me with confuse on her face.

"Yea I know. If only I can get out from this damn sea prism handcuff, I can literally beat their ass. But is too bad you're also a devil fruit user."

Without any words, she just looked away and stared at the window. Now only Robin and I are in this cabin. I guess maybe she is still worried about Luffy, she even assassinated Iceburg for their life.

"Are you worried about Luffy?" I asked her.

"They had nothing to do with me. After all, I assassinate the mayor to exchange their safety." She said emotionless.

"You know Luffy is stubborn, wait until you see him and the crew come to rescue you."

"Why would they even do that?"

I gestured her look outside the window with tilting my head, then she realised a man wearing a weird mask with long nose is outside the window. Definitely Usopp.

"What are you doing her, long nose?" Robin said with shocked.

"I'm Sogeking. I'm come to rescue you and Terenes."

"Whatever you said Usopp. Do you have any ways to help me get out from this sea prism handcuff?" I asked the self proclaimed Sogeking.

"Let me try." He then took out a needle from his bag and start to help me get out from the handcuff, but suddenly I heard some footsteps coming closer.

"Hide quickly!" I whispered loudly to him. And he just hide under Robin cloak. Gosh the Cipher Pol will find out, but is too late to change the hiding place.

And the CP member came and checked on us. Usopp controlled Robin and made some weird movement to pretend nothing happened here.

'What the hell, Usopp! The CP will noticed you!' I screamed inside my heart.

But surprisingly, the CP just too dumbed to noticed, gladly. When he is about to leave, I knocked him out with my leg and try to look for the key for my handcuffed but found nothing.

Then I returned to the seat sadly, and asked Sogeking, "Did someone come other then you?"

"Sanji is also here, he is above the sea train now and try to contact Luffy to ask for permission to fight the CP. I had to go back to talk with Sanji first, later on I will come back."

I nodded and Sogeking jumped out the window and climbed up back the sea train.

A few moment later, I was too boring so I lied back on the bench to try taking some nap, and that leopard man come to our cabin.

"I was wondering why the CP I sent didn't come after a long time." He stared down at me and continued, "Now I see the reason. You knocked him out, don't you?"

I didn't answered him. It seems like he pissed, so he picked me up and tossed me like a sake of potatoes over his shoulder and walked away.

"What the hell are you doing? Put me down! You disturb my napping time." I struggle want to get down from him.

"This is the first time I saw a person can take a nap in the enemy territory."

"If I'm not handcuffed, I can literally fight you."

"We'll see." He brought me to another empty cabin and pinned me on the table with my both hand above my head.

"What do you want?" I frowned and asked him.

"Before we arrived at Enies Lobby, I want to give you some punishment as you ignored me just now." He grinned and I can only saw evil filled his face.

"No not again!" Before he want to do some weird shit again, a blonde cook broke into the cabin and kicked the leopard man away.

"What do you think you're doing to a lady!"  The blonde cook yelled Lucci.

I quickly got up and walked toward Sanji, "Thanks for helping, Sanji."

"Is not a deal, Tres-channn!" He said with heart in his eyes.

"We better get out of her now. I cannot fight properly with the handcuff." I showed him both my hand with sea prism handcuff.

"But I need to help Robin get out from here too."

"Then you go first, I wait for Sogeking."

Sanji walked towards the next cabin but Lucci got up to blocked the way, they ended up fighting with each other. I wait panicked for Sogeking coming to help opened the handcuff but he still didn't show up.

It's hard for me to use Haki to breakthrough the handcuff if both my hand was locked up. But I need to give a try.

I let my right hand grabbed the left handcuff, and I focused my Haki on it and the handcuff slowly crack then broke into half. I can felt my sweat all over my forehead as it cause too much energy for me. I stop and rest for some time and try on the other hand.

Now I'm finally free, I need to help Sanji to get Robin out of here. I run to the cabin where Robin stayed and noticed Sanji and Sogeking are fighting with Lucci, Kaku and Blueno.

I quickly grab Robin and moved to the other cabin with Sanji and Sogeking, then I shot an explosive arrow to separate the two cabin.

"I hope they didn't get us this time." Sanji said while lightning his cigarette.

But suddenly, a door looking think appeared behind Robin and snatch her away. "Gosh, I forgot his devil fruit ability can create door nowhere." Another door appeared behind me and want to snatch me away too but I wrapped up my leg with Armament Haki to kick him and the door shut.

"Retreat first. Now our main mission is get Robin. We can come back after her later." Lucci said to Blueno before disappeared from the door.

And now we failed for getting back Robin.

I try to explain the whole situation with simple word quickly so these part won't take too long to write.

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